Writing Paragraph

Class Nine English Model Question Q5

Think about how technology is changing the way students learn, interact, and perform academically. Consider the positive and negative aspects of technology in education.

Now write a paragraph on “The Impact of Technology on Students.”

By paying attention to the following features, you can write a paragraph that is clear, well-organized, and effective in conveying your ideas:

Start your paragraph with a topic sentence.

Focus on a single main idea or theme.

Ensure your paragraph flows logically from one idea to the next.

Include specific examples such as online learning, educational apps, or social media.

2. Cellphone Should Be Allowed or Not in the School Campus


Consider the pros and cons of allowing cellphones in the school campus. What could be the benefits and drawbacks? Think about the impact on focus, communication, and safety.

Now write a paragraph on “Should Cellphones Be Allowed in School Campus?”

Features to include:

Begin with a strong topic sentence that introduces your main argument.

Present your points logically, supporting them with specific reasons.

Discuss both sides if necessary, and conclude with your opinion.

3. How to Make Your School Campus Cleaner and Greener


Reflect on the importance of a clean and green environment in your school. What steps can students, teachers, and staff take to make the campus more eco-friendly?

Now write a paragraph on “How to Make Your School Campus Cleaner and Greener.”

Key points to consider:

Start with a topic sentence that highlights the importance of a green campus.

Focus on specific actions such as planting trees, reducing waste, and recycling.

Mention the role of students and teachers in maintaining cleanliness.

4. Students' Responsibilities towards Community


Think about how students can contribute positively to their community. What responsibilities should they take to help others and the environment?

Now write a paragraph on “Students' Responsibilities towards Community.”

Include the following features:

Start with a topic sentence about the role of students in the community.

Focus on one main responsibility, like volunteering or spreading awareness.

Use specific examples to explain how students can make a difference.

5. Human Activities That Affect the Environment


Consider how human activities are impacting the environment. Think about activities such as deforestation, pollution, and waste disposal, and how they affect nature.

Now write a paragraph on “Human Activities That Affect the Environment.”

Use the following guidelines:

Start with a clear topic sentence stating the impact of human activities.

Focus on specific actions like cutting trees, using plastic, or industrial pollution.

Use real-life examples and consequences to make your points clear.

2. Should Cellphones Be Allowed in School Campus?

Allowing cellphones in school can have both good and bad sides. On the good side, cellphones help students stay in touch with their parents in case of emergency. Students can use phones to search for information or use educational apps during class. Cellphones can also help students remember important dates and assignments. But there are some problems too. Students may get distracted by games, social media, or texting during class time. This can disturb their learning and distract their attention. If schools allow cellphones, they should have strict rules. For example, students should use them only when needed for learning and keep them off during regular classes. So, it is important to think carefully before deciding whether cellphones should be allowed in school or not.

3. How to Make Your School Campus Cleaner and Greener

Making the school campus cleaner and greener is very important for a healthy environment. To make the school campus cleaner, we must stop throwing wastes here and there. Rather, we can use bins for putting our wastes and trash. Different kinds of things should be put in different bins. For example, we must not put plastic bags and banana skins in the same bin. We should use fewer plastic items like bags and bottles. To make the school campus greener, we can plant more trees around the school. We can make a flower garden in our school. This will make our school more beautiful and provide fresh air. We should also avoid wasting water and electricity. When everyone works together, the school campus will become a clean, green, and happy place to study. 

4. Students’ Responsibilities towards Community

Students have many responsibilities towards their community. They can help community in many ways. For example, students can teach younger children or help them with their homework. They can also take part in cleaning activities in the local area. They can clean parks or streets by turns or together. Another way to help the community is to plant trees and make the residents aware about the environment. In times of flood or severe cold, students can collect foods, medicines and clothes and help the affected people. They can collect used books, or toys and give them to the poor people. By doing these small things, students learn to care for others and make their community a better place. In this way, they grow up to become good and responsible citizens.

5. Human Activities That Affect the Environment

Many human activities harm the environment. For example, cutting down trees in large number destroys the homes of animals. This also causes soil erosion. Factories and cars produce smoke and gases that pollute the air. This makes the air unhealthy and dangerous. When people throw waste and chemicals into rivers and seas, it pollutes the water. This activity harms fish and other sea animals. Using a lot of water causes water crisis in summer. Using a lot of electricity also harms the environment because it wastes natural resources. If we continue harming nature, it will be difficult for future generations to live on earth happily. So, everyone should come forward to save the environment. For this, people should plant more trees, reduce pollution, and use natural resources carefully.