Appreciating Poetry

Question number 4. Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

“Hope” is the thing with feathers [NCTB]

“Hope” is the thing with feathers

by  Emily Dickinson

“Hope” is the thing with feathers -

That perches in the soul -

And sings the tune without the words -

And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -

And sore must be the storm -

That could abash the little Bird

That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -

And on the strangest Sea -

Yet - never - in Extremity,

 It asked a crumb - of me. 


a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10

i) What is the significance of the metaphor "Hope is the thing with feathers" in the poem?

ii) How does the poet explore the theme of hope in the poem?

iii) What role does the imagery play in conveying the poem’s theme?

iv) How does the poem reflect the poet’s personal understanding of hope?

v) How does the poem reflect on the nature of hope and its persistence?

b) Read the poem again, and identify 3 metaphors and 2 similes used in the poem. Then explain the purpose of their uses. 2x5 =10

c) Read the poem again and express your feelings. 10


a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10

i) What is the significance of the metaphor "Hope is the thing with feathers" in the poem?

Answer: The metaphor "Hope is the thing with feathers" means that hope is like a bird. Just like a bird can fly and lift our spirits, hope can make us feel better and happier.

ii) How does the poet explore the theme of hope in the poem?

Answer: The poet talks about hope by saying it is like a bird that lives in our hearts. This bird sings a happy song all the time and never asks for anything in return. Even when things are tough, the bird of hope keeps singing and makes us feel warm inside.

iii) What role does the imagery play in conveying the poem’s theme?

Answer: The pictures in our mind from the poem, like the bird sitting in our soul and singing during a storm, help us understand how hope stays with us. These images show that hope is always there, even when things are hard.

iv) How does the poem reflect the poet’s personal understanding of hope?

Answer: The poem shows that the poet thinks hope is always with us, helping us feel better without asking for anything. She thinks hope is strong and never goes away, even in the worst times.

v) How does the poem reflect on the nature of hope and its persistence?

Answer: The poem shows that hope is strong and never gives up. It keeps singing and helping us, no matter how bad things get. Hope is always there, making us feel warm and happy.

b) Read the poem again, and identify 3 metaphors and 2 similes used in the poem. Then explain the purpose of their uses. 2x5 =10

Answer: Metaphors: Purpose

"Hope is the thing with feathers": This means hope is like a bird that makes us feel light and happy.

"That perches in the soul": This means hope lives inside us and stays with us.

"And sings the tune without the words": This means hope always makes us feel better, even without saying anything.

Answer: Similes:

There are no similes in the poem. The poem only uses metaphors.

Explanation of Purpose:

c) Read the poem again and express your feelings in ten sentences. 10

Answer: When I read this poem, I feel happy. The bird of hope makes me think of happy times. It feels nice to know hope is always there. Even when things are hard, hope makes me feel better. The poem's words make me feel warm inside. I think about times when hope helped me. I feel grateful for hope. The bird in the poem is like a friend who never leaves. Hope makes me feel strong. This poem makes me smile.

1. If I Had but Two Little Wings [NCTB]

If I Had but Two Little Wings

by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

If I had but two little wings

And were a little feathery bird,

To you I'd fly, my dear!

But thoughts like these are idle things

And I stay here.

But in my sleep to you I fly:

I'm always with you in my sleep!

The world is all one's own.

But then one wakes, and where am I?

All, all alone.

Sleep stays not, though a monarch bids:

So I love to wake ere break of day:

For though my sleep be gone,

Yet while 'tis dark, one shuts one's lids,

And still dreams on.


a) Answer the following questions: 2x5=10

i) What is the significance of the metaphor "two little wings" in the poem?

ii) How does the poet explore the theme of longing and separation in the poem?

iii) What role does the imagery play in conveying the poem’s theme?

iv) How does the poem reflect the poet’s personal feelings of desire to be with a loved one?

v) How does the poem reflect on the nature of dreams and reality?

b) Identify 3 metaphors and 2 similes used in the poem. Explain the purpose of their uses. 2x5=10

c) Read the poem again and express your feelings. 10


a) Answer the following questions: 2x5=10

i) What is the significance of the metaphor "two little wings" in the poem?

Answer: It means the wish to be free and fly to a loved one.

ii) How does the poet explore the theme of longing and separation in the poem?

Answer: The poet wishes to be with his loved one but cannot.

iii) What role does the imagery play in conveying the poem’s theme?

Answer: The pictures of flying and dreaming show the poet’s deep wish.

iv) How does the poem reflect the poet’s personal feelings of desire to be with a loved one?

Answer: The poet talks about wanting to be with his loved one even in dreams.

v) How does the poem reflect on the nature of dreams and reality?

Answer: It shows that dreams can be a way to be with loved ones, even if reality is different.

b) Identify 3 metaphors and 2 similes used in the poem. Explain the purpose of their uses. 2x5=10


Metaphors: Purpose

"Two little wings": The poet's wish to fly to his loved one.

"The world is all one's own": The freedom in dreams.

"Monarch bids": The power of sleep.

Similes: Purpose

None explicitly used.

c) Read the poem again and express your feelings. 10

Answer: The poem makes me feel a little sad but also hopeful. The poet wishes to be with someone he loves very much. He dreams about flying to them, even if he can’t in real life. Dreams are special because they let us be with the ones we miss. The poet’s longing is very touching. It shows how strong love can be. The pictures of flying and dreaming make the poem beautiful.

1. On the Grasshopper and Cricket [NCTB]

On the Grasshopper and Cricket

by John Keats

The Poetry of earth is never dead: 

When all the birds are faint with the hot sun,

And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run

From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead;

That is the Grasshopper’s—he takes the lead

In summer luxury,—he has never done

With his delights; for when tired out with fun

He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.

The poetry of earth is ceasing never:

On a lone winter evening, when the frost

Has wrought a silence, from the stove there shrills

The Cricket’s song, in warmth increasing ever,

And seems to one in drowsiness half lost,

The Grasshopper’s among some grassy hills.


a) Answer the following questions: 2x5=10

i) What is the significance of the metaphor "The Poetry of earth" in the poem?

ii) How does the poet explore the theme of nature’s continuous beauty in the poem?

iii) What role does the imagery play in conveying the poem’s theme?

iv) How does the poem reflect the poet’s appreciation for nature?

v) How does the poem reflect on the cycle of seasons?

b) Identify 3 metaphors and 2 similes used in the poem. Explain the purpose of their uses. 2x5=10

c) Read the poem again and express your feelings. 10


a) Answer the following questions: 2x5=10

i) What is the significance of the metaphor "The Poetry of earth" in the poem?

Answer: It means the beautiful sounds of nature.

ii) How does the poet explore the theme of nature’s continuous beauty in the poem?

Answer: The poet shows that nature is always beautiful, in summer and winter.

iii) What role does the imagery play in conveying the poem’s theme?

Answer: The pictures of the grasshopper and cricket help us see the beauty in all seasons.

iv) How does the poem reflect the poet’s appreciation for nature?

Answer: The poet loves and admires the beauty of nature.

v) How does the poem reflect on the cycle of seasons?

Answer: It shows that every season has its own special beauty.

b) Identify 3 metaphors and 2 similes used in the poem. Explain the purpose of their uses. 2x5=10


Metaphors: Purpose

"Poetry of earth": Describes the sounds of nature.

"Grasshopper’s song": Represents summer’s joy.

"Cricket’s song": Represents winter’s warmth.


None explicitly used.

c) Read the poem again and express your feelings. 10

Answer: The poem makes me feel happy and calm. It shows that nature is always beautiful. The grasshopper and cricket are like music in summer and winter. The poet loves nature, and it makes me love it too. It reminds me that every season has something special. Even in the cold winter, there is beauty and warmth. The pictures of nature make me appreciate its beauty more.

1. Crossing the Bar [NCTB]

Crossing the Bar

by Alfred, Lord Tennyson 

Sunset and evening star,

And one clear call for me!

And may there be no moaning of the bar,

When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,

Too full for sound and foam,

When that which drew from out the boundless deep

Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,

And after that the dark!

And may there be no sadness of farewell,

When I embark;

For tho› from out our bourne of Time and Place

The flood may bear me far,

I hope to see my Pilot face to face

When I have cross’d the bar.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson


a) Answer the following questions: 2x5=10

  • i) What is the significance of the metaphor "Crossing the Bar" in the poem?
  • ii) How does the poet explore the theme of acceptance in the poem?
  • iii) What role does the imagery play in conveying the poem’s theme?
  • iv) How does the poem reflect the poet’s personal contemplation of death?
  • v) How does the poem reflect on the nature of life and afterlife?

b) Identify 3 metaphors and 2 similes used in the poem. Explain the purpose of their uses. 2x5=10

c) Read the poem again and express your feelings. 10


a) Answer the following questions:

i) What is the significance of the metaphor "Crossing the Bar" in the poem?

  • Answer: It means leaving life and going to the afterlife.

ii) How does the poet explore the theme of acceptance in the poem?

  • Answer: The poet talks calmly about dying and hopes for a peaceful journey.

iii) What role does the imagery play in conveying the poem’s theme?

  • Answer: The pictures of the sea and sunset help us feel the calmness and peace.

iv) How does the poem reflect the poet’s personal contemplation of death?

  • Answer: The poet thinks about death as a journey he is ready to take.

v) How does the poem reflect on the nature of life and afterlife?

  • Answer: It shows life as a journey and death as a return home.

b) Identify 3 metaphors and 2 similes used in the poem. Explain the purpose of their uses.


Metaphors: Purpose of Using

  1. "Crossing the Bar": Describes dying.
  2. "Clear call": Refers to the call of death.
  3. "Twilight and evening bell": Represents the end of life.


  • None explicitly used.

c) Express your feelings.

  • The poem makes me feel calm and peaceful. It talks about dying in a gentle way. The poet hopes for a smooth and quiet journey after life. The pictures of the sea and sunset make me think of peace. It shows that death can be a calm and natural part of life. The poet’s hope to meet his Pilot makes me think of meeting someone special after life ends.

Worksheet 1

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

A Red, Red Rose
by Robert Burns

O my Luve is like a red, red rose

That’s newly sprung in June;

O my Luve is like the melody

That’s sweetly played in tune.

So fair art thou, my bonnie lass,

So deep in luve am I;

And I will luve thee still, my dear,

Till a' the seas gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,

And the rocks melt wi' the sun;

And I will luve thee still, my dear,

While the sands o' life shall run.


a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10

  • i. What is the simile used in the first line?
  • ii. How does the poet compare his love in the second stanza?
  • iii. Identify an example of imagery in the poem.
  • iv. What does the poet promise in the third stanza?
  • v. How does the imagery reflect the theme of eternal love?

b) Identify 2 similes and 1 metaphor in the poem and explain their meaning. 2x5=10

c) What emotions does the poem evoke in you? Explain. 10

Worksheet 2

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the Milky Way,

They stretched in never-ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.


a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10

  • i. What is the simile in the first line of the poem?
  • ii. How does the poet describe the daffodils?
  • iii. Identify an example of imagery from the second stanza.
  • iv. What feeling does the sight of the daffodils bring to the poet?
  • v. How does the poet use nature to reflect inner emotions?

b) Identify 1 simile and 1 metaphor in the poem and explain their effect. 2x5=10

c) How does the poem make you feel about nature? Explain. 10

Worksheet 3

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

The Road Not Taken

by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,


a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10

  • i. What metaphor does the poet use to describe choices in life?
  • ii. How does the poet describe the two roads?
  • iii. Identify an example of imagery from the poem.
  • iv. What feeling does the poet express about making decisions?
  • v. How does the metaphor of the road represent life's journey?

b) Identify 1 simile and 1 metaphor in the poem and explain their meaning. 2x5=10

c) What do you think the poet is saying about decisions? 10

Worksheet 4

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

The Tyger

by William Blake

Tyger Tyger, burning bright,

In the forests of the night;

What immortal hand or eye,

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies.

Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

On what wings dare he aspire?

What the hand, dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder, & what art,

Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

And when thy heart began to beat,

What dread hand? & what dread feet?


a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10

  • i. What metaphor does the poet use to describe the tiger?
  • ii. How does the poet describe the tiger's power?
  • iii. Identify an example of imagery from the poem.
  • iv. What is the poet’s attitude towards the tiger?
  • v. How does the imagery create a sense of mystery and awe?

b) Identify 2 metaphors and 1 simile from the poem and explain them. 2x5=10

c) How does the poem make you feel about the tiger? 10

Worksheet 5

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 


by Percy Bysshe Shelley

I met a traveler from an antique land,

Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,

Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;

And on the pedestal, these words appear:

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10

  • i. What is the significance of the imagery in the opening lines?
  • ii. What metaphor does the poet use to describe the ruins of the statue?
  • iii. How does the poet use imagery to describe the passage of time?
  • iv. What is the message behind the words on the pedestal?
  • v. How does the poem reflect on human pride and power?

b) Identify 2 metaphors and 1 simile from the poem and explain their meaning. 2x5=10

c) How does the poem make you feel about time and power? 10

Worksheet 6

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver
by Edna St. Vincent Millay

"Son," said my mother,
When I was knee-high,
"You've need of clothes to cover you,
And not a rag have I.

There's nothing in the house
To make a boy breeches,
Nor shears to cut a cloth with
Nor thread to take stitches.

There's nothing in the house
But a loaf-end of rye,
And a harp with a woman's head
Nobody will buy,"
And she began to cry.

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10
  • i. How does the poet use simile to describe the boy?
  • ii. What imagery does the poet use to describe poverty?
  • iii. What emotions are conveyed in the mother's words?
  • iv. How does the metaphor of the harp add to the poem’s meaning?
  • v. What does the image of the crying mother symbolize?
b) Identify 1 simile and 1 metaphor in the poem and explain their purpose. 2x5=10
c) What feelings does the poem evoke about family and hardship? 10

Worksheet 7

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
by Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10
  • i. How does the poet describe the woods using imagery?
  • ii. What is the simile used to describe the horse’s action?
  • iii. What feeling does the imagery of the woods create?
  • iv. How does the poet use nature to reflect inner thoughts?
  • v. How does the poem convey the theme of contemplation?
b) Identify 1 simile and 2 examples of imagery and explain them. 2x5=10
c) How does the poem make you feel about peaceful moments? 10

Worksheet 8

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

The Raven
by Edgar Allan Poe (excerpt)

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more."

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow;—vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow—sorrow for the lost Lenore—
For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore—
Nameless here for evermore.

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10
  • i. How does the poet use imagery to describe the setting?
  • ii. What is the significance of the simile "weak and weary"?
  • iii. Identify the metaphor in the phrase "dying ember." What does it suggest?
  • iv. How does the imagery in the poem create a mood of sadness?
  • v. What is the theme of the poem based on the imagery and metaphors?
b) Identify 1 simile and 2 examples of imagery and explain their effect. 2x5=10
c) What feelings does the poem evoke in you? 10

Worksheet 9

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

Sonnet 18
by William Shakespeare

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade
Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest;
Nor shall Death brag thou wanderest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou growest:
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10
  • i. How does the poet use a metaphor to compare his beloved to a summer’s day?
  • ii. What imagery does the poet use to describe the summer?
  • iii. What is the significance of "the eye of heaven" in the poem?
  • iv. How does the metaphor of "eternal summer" express love's endurance?
  • v. How does the imagery in the poem enhance the theme of beauty?
b) Identify 1 simile and 2 metaphors from the poem and explain their meaning. 2x5=10
c) How does the poem make you feel about the concept of beauty and love? 10
Worksheet 10

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

The Lake Isle of Innisfree
by W.B. Yeats

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10
  • i. What imagery does the poet use to describe Innisfree?
  • ii. How does the poet create a sense of peace through nature?
  • iii. Identify an example of metaphor in the second stanza and explain its meaning.
  • iv. How does the poet contrast city life with life at Innisfree?
  • v. How does the imagery of the natural world reflect the poet’s desire for peace?
b) Identify 1 simile and 1 metaphor from the poem and explain their effect. 2x5=10
c) How does the poem make you feel about nature and solitude? 10

Worksheet 11

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

Ode To Autumn
by John Keats

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the mossed cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o’er-brimmed their clammy cells.

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10
  • i. How does the poet use imagery to describe the season of autumn?
  • ii. What is the metaphor in the phrase "bosom-friend of the maturing sun"?
  • iii. How does the poet create a sense of abundance in the poem?
  • iv. How does the imagery of fruits and flowers reflect the theme of growth?
  • v. How does the poem convey the passing of time through imagery?
b) Identify 1 simile and 2 metaphors from the poem and explain their effect. 2x5=10
c) What does the poem make you feel about autumn? 10

Worksheet 12

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

The Charge of the Light Brigade
by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!" he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

"Forward, the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Some one had blunder'd:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10
  • i. How does the poet use imagery to describe the battle scene?
  • ii. What is the metaphor in the phrase "valley of Death"?
  • iii. How does the poet describe the bravery of the soldiers?
  • iv. How does the imagery reflect the theme of duty and sacrifice?
  • v. How does the repetition in the poem enhance the intensity of the action?
b) Identify 2 metaphors and 1 simile from the poem and explain their purpose. 2x5=10
c) How does the poem make you feel about courage and sacrifice? 10

Worksheet 13

Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Excerpt)

The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,
The furrow followed free;
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea.

Down dropt the breeze, the sails dropt down,
'Twas sad as sad could be;
And we did speak only to break
The silence of the sea!

All in a hot and copper sky,
The bloody Sun, at noon,
Right up above the mast did stand,
No bigger than the Moon.

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10
  • i. How does the poet use imagery to describe the sea?
  • ii. What metaphor is used to describe the sun, and what does it mean?
  • iii. How does the poet convey a sense of danger and stillness?
  • iv. How does the imagery reflect the mood of the mariners?
  • v. How does the poet contrast movement and stillness through imagery?
b) Identify 1 simile and 2 metaphors from the poem and explain their meaning. 2x5=10
c) How does the poem make you feel about the sea? 10

Worksheet 1: A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10

i. What is the simile used in the first line?

  • The simile in the first line is "O my Luve is like a red, red rose." It compares his love to a beautiful rose.

ii. How does the poet compare his love in the second stanza?

  • In the second stanza, the poet compares his love to deep feelings that will last forever.

iii. Identify an example of imagery in the poem.

  • An example of imagery is "red, red rose," which makes us imagine a beautiful, fresh rose.

iv. What does the poet promise in the third stanza?

  • In the third stanza, the poet promises to love his dear one until the seas dry up and the rocks melt.

v. How does the imagery reflect the theme of eternal love?

  • The imagery of seas going dry and rocks melting shows that the poet's love will last forever, reflecting the theme of eternal love.

b) Identify 2 similes and 1 metaphor in the poem and explain their meaning. 2x5=10

  • Similes: "My love is like a red, red rose" and "My love is like the melody" show how beautiful and sweet his love is.
  • Metaphor: "While the sands of life shall run" compares life to sand, meaning love will last as long as life itself.

c) What emotions does the poem evoke in you? Explain. 10

Answer in five sentences: The poem makes me feel happy and loved. It talks about deep love, like a beautiful red rose. The poet promises to love forever. The words make me think of sweet music and endless oceans. It makes me believe in everlasting love.

Answer in ten sentencesThis poem makes me feel happy because it talks about love. It makes me feel warm inside when the poet compares love to a beautiful rose. I feel special because the poet promises to love forever. The words are sweet and make me think of happy moments. The poem makes me imagine pretty flowers and nice music. It makes me think of someone caring deeply for another person. I feel hopeful because the love in the poem seems strong and lasting. The poem’s rhythm is gentle and nice to read. It makes me smile thinking about how much someone can love. The poem makes me feel peaceful and happy.

Worksheet 2: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10

i. What is the simile in the first line of the poem?

  • The simile in the first line is "I wandered lonely as a cloud." It compares the poet to a lonely cloud in the sky.

ii. How does the poet describe the daffodils?

  • The poet describes the daffodils as golden flowers that are "dancing" happily in the breeze.

iii. Identify an example of imagery from the second stanza.

  • An example of imagery from the second stanza is "a host of golden daffodils," making us imagine a large group of bright yellow flowers.

iv. What feeling does the sight of the daffodils bring to the poet?

  • Seeing the daffodils makes the poet feel joyful and connected to nature.

v. How does the poet use nature to reflect inner emotions?

  • The poet uses nature to reflect his inner emotions by showing how the beauty of the daffodils changes his mood from loneliness to happiness.

b) Identify 1 simile and 1 metaphor in the poem and explain their effect. 2x5=10

  • Simile: "I wandered lonely as a cloud" compares the poet to a cloud, showing he feels alone and free.
  • Metaphor: "Continuous as the stars that shine" compares the daffodils to shining stars, making them seem endless and beautiful.

c) How does the poem make you feel about nature? Explain. 10

Answer in five sentences: The poem makes me feel that nature is beautiful and full of wonders. It describes a lot of daffodils dancing in the breeze. The flowers are bright and cheerful like stars. The scene makes me happy and peaceful. It shows how nature can make us feel better.

Answer in ten sentencesThis poem makes me feel joyful about nature. The daffodils dancing in the breeze seem so cheerful and bright. It makes me think of how beautiful and alive nature is. The comparison to stars makes me feel like nature is magical. I feel calm when I imagine the flowers by the lake. Nature feels endless and full of wonders. The poem makes me appreciate the simple beauty around us. I feel happy thinking about the flowers waving like they are greeting me. It reminds me that nature can lift our spirits. The imagery of the daffodils is very vivid and pleasant. This poem makes me feel connected to the beauty of the natural world.

Worksheet 3: The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10

i. What metaphor does the poet use to describe choices in life?

  • The metaphor the poet uses to describe choices in life is "two roads diverged." The roads represent different life choices.

ii. How does the poet describe the two roads?

  • The poet describes the two roads as being similar, but one road is grassy and seems less traveled.

iii. Identify an example of imagery from the poem.

  • An example of imagery is "yellow wood," which makes us picture a forest in autumn with golden leaves.

iv. What feeling does the poet express about making decisions?

  • The poet expresses a feeling of uncertainty about making decisions but hopes his choice will make a difference in his life.

v. How does the metaphor of the road represent life's journey?

  • The metaphor of the road represents life’s journey and the choices we must make, even though we don’t know where they will lead.

b) Identify 1 simile and 1 metaphor in the poem and explain their meaning. 2x5=10

  • Simile: The roads are not described using a simile in this poem.
  • Metaphor: "Two roads diverged" is a metaphor for choices in life, showing that each choice can lead us down a different path.

c) What do you think the poet is saying about decisions? 10

Answer in five sentences: The poet is saying that choices are important. He talks about choosing a path in the woods. Each path is different and leads to different places. Our choices shape our future. The poem shows that making decisions can be hard but important.

Answer in ten sentences: The poet is saying that making decisions is important and can shape our lives. It makes me think about how we have to choose our own paths. The poem shows that every decision has its own journey. It reminds me that sometimes choices are difficult. I feel that the poet values thinking carefully before deciding. It shows that different paths can lead to different experiences. The poem suggests that we should not regret our choices. It makes me understand that our decisions define us. The poet encourages us to be brave in making decisions. It highlights that each choice can be meaningful and unique.

Worksheet 4: The Tyger by William Blake

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10

i. What metaphor does the poet use to describe the tiger?

  • The poet uses the metaphor of "burning bright" to describe the tiger as powerful and fierce, like a bright flame.

ii. How does the poet describe the tiger's power?

  • The poet describes the tiger's power by talking about its "fearful symmetry" and asking who could create such a strong and dangerous creature.

iii. Identify an example of imagery from the poem.

  • An example of imagery is "burnt the fire of thine eyes," which makes us imagine the tiger’s glowing, fierce eyes.

iv. What is the poet’s attitude towards the tiger?

  • The poet’s attitude toward the tiger is one of awe and mystery. He is both amazed and afraid of the tiger’s strength.

v. How does the imagery create a sense of mystery and awe?

  • The imagery, like "burning bright" and "fearful symmetry," creates a sense of mystery and awe around the tiger, making it seem powerful and untouchable.

b) Identify 2 metaphors and 1 simile from the poem and explain them. 2x5=10

  • Metaphor: "Burning bright" compares the tiger to a flame, showing its strength and fierceness.
  • Metaphor: "Fearful symmetry" compares the tiger’s body to something perfect and scary.
  • Simile: There is no direct simile in this part of the poem.

c) How does the poem make you feel about the tiger? 10

Answer in five sentences: The poem makes me feel that the tiger is both beautiful and scary. It describes the tiger’s bright, fiery eyes. The poet wonders how such a fierce animal was created. The tiger seems powerful and mysterious. It makes me think about the strength of nature.

Answer in ten sentences: The poem makes me feel that the tiger is both beautiful and frightening. It describes the tiger’s bright and powerful appearance. The tiger seems mysterious and strong. I feel a sense of wonder about how the tiger was created. The poem makes me think about the balance between beauty and danger in nature. The tiger’s eyes and fiery image are very striking. It gives me the idea that the tiger is a symbol of strength. The poem also makes me curious about the tiger’s origins. I feel a mix of awe and fear when I think about the tiger. The poem shows the tiger as a majestic and formidable creature.

Worksheet 5: Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10

i. What is the significance of the imagery in the opening lines?

  • The imagery in the opening lines, "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone," shows how big the statue is and makes us imagine its ruins standing alone in the desert.

ii. What metaphor does the poet use to describe the ruins of the statue?

  • The metaphor for the ruins of the statue is "colossal Wreck," showing that the statue was once huge and powerful but is now destroyed.

iii. How does the poet use imagery to describe the passage of time?

  • The poet uses imagery like "boundless and bare" to show how time has passed, leaving only ruins in the endless desert.

iv. What is the message behind the words on the pedestal?

  • The message behind the words on the pedestal is that Ozymandias was a very proud king, but now his kingdom is gone, showing that even powerful rulers are forgotten with time.

v. How does the poem reflect on human pride and power?

  • The poem reflects on human pride and power by showing that even great kings like Ozymandias are eventually forgotten, and their empires turn to dust.

b) Identify 2 metaphors and 1 simile from the poem and explain their meaning. 2x5=10

  • Metaphor: "Colossal Wreck" describes the ruins of the statue, showing how great power can be destroyed by time.
  • Metaphor: "The hand that mocked them" means the sculptor's work made fun of the king’s pride.
  • Simile: There is no direct simile in this part of the poem.

c) How does the poem make you feel about time and power? 10

Answer in five sentences: The poem makes me think that time and power don't last forever. It talks about a broken statue in the desert. The king’s great power is now just ruins. Nature has taken over. It shows that even the strongest people can be forgotten.

Answer in ten sentences: The poem makes me feel that time and power are temporary. It shows that even great rulers can be forgotten. The broken statue makes me think about how nothing lasts forever. It makes me feel that power can be an illusion. The poem reminds me that time changes everything. I feel a bit sad seeing how Ozymandias's works are now ruins. The message is that time can erase all achievements. It makes me think about the importance of humility. The poem shows that time is more powerful than any king. It highlights the idea that nothing is permanent.

Worksheet 6: "The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver" by Edna St. Vincent Millay

a) Answer the following questions:

i. How does the poet use simile to describe the boy?

  • The poet compares the boy's size to being "knee-high," meaning he is very small.

ii. What imagery does the poet use to describe poverty?

  • The poet uses images like "nothing in the house" and "a loaf-end of rye" to show that they have very little, almost nothing.

iii. What emotions are conveyed in the mother's words?

  • The mother’s words show sadness, worry, and love for her child.

iv. How does the metaphor of the harp add to the poem’s meaning?

  • The harp, which nobody will buy, represents the mother’s struggle to provide for her child despite her efforts.

v. What does the image of the crying mother symbolize?

  • The crying mother symbolizes despair and helplessness in the face of poverty.

b) Identify 1 simile and 1 metaphor in the poem and explain their purpose:

  • Simile: "When I was knee-high" compares the boy’s height to something small, showing he was a little child.
  • Metaphor: The harp with a woman's head represents the beauty and value of things that go unnoticed, like the mother's sacrifices.

c) What feelings does the poem evoke about family and hardship?

Answer in five sentences: The poem makes me feel sad but also shows love. It talks about a mother who has nothing for her child. She cries because she cannot make clothes for him. It shows how hard life can be. Despite the hardship, the mother loves her child deeply.

Answer in ten sentences: The poem makes me feel sympathy for the boy and his mother. It shows how hard life can be for families with little money. The mother's love for her son is very strong. I feel sad that they don't have enough clothes or food. The poem highlights the sacrifices parents make for their children. It makes me think about the struggles many families face. The mother’s tears show her deep concern and love. I feel a sense of tenderness between the mother and son. The poem evokes a feeling of resilience in the face of hardship. It makes me appreciate the strength of family bonds.

Worksheet 7: "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost

a) Answer the following questions:

i. How does the poet describe the woods using imagery?

  • The poet describes the woods as "filling up with snow" and "dark," creating a peaceful and quiet scene.

ii. What is the simile used to describe the horse’s action?

  • There isn’t a direct simile for the horse, but the horse shakes its bells as if asking if there is a mistake.

iii. What feeling does the imagery of the woods create?

  • The woods create a feeling of calmness, solitude, and reflection.

iv. How does the poet use nature to reflect inner thoughts?

  • The quiet and stillness of the snowy woods reflect the poet’s deep contemplation and peace.

v. How does the poem convey the theme of contemplation?

  • The poet stops in the woods to think and reflect, showing how quiet moments in nature lead to deep thoughts.

b) Identify 1 simile and 2 examples of imagery and explain them:

  • Simile: The horse might think it’s strange to stop in the woods at night.
  • Imagery: "The woods fill up with snow" creates a picture of snowfall.
  • Imagery: "The sweep of easy wind" gives a sense of soft, peaceful sounds.

c) How does the poem make you feel about peaceful moments?

Answer in five sentences: The poem makes me feel calm and peaceful. It describes quiet woods filled with snow. The poet stops to enjoy the beauty of nature. The scene is very quiet and still. It shows the importance of taking time to enjoy peaceful moments.

Answer in ten sentences: The poem makes me feel calm and peaceful. It describes a quiet moment in the woods. The falling snow creates a serene scene. I imagine the stillness and beauty of the woods. It makes me appreciate quiet times. The gentle sounds mentioned are soothing. The poem shows the importance of taking a pause. It makes me feel the simple joy of observing nature. The horse’s presence adds to the quiet companionship. The poem gives me a sense of tranquility and reflection.

Worksheet 8: "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe (excerpt)

a) Answer the following questions:

i. How does the poet use imagery to describe the setting?

  • The poet describes "midnight dreary" and "bleak December," creating a dark, sad atmosphere.

ii. What is the significance of the simile "weak and weary"?

  • It shows how tired and sad the speaker feels.

iii. Identify the metaphor in the phrase "dying ember." What does it suggest?

  • "Dying ember" is a metaphor for fading hope, suggesting the speaker feels his life or happiness is burning out.

iv. How does the imagery in the poem create a mood of sadness?

  • The words "midnight," "dreary," and "bleak" all create a gloomy and sad feeling.

v. What is the theme of the poem based on the imagery and metaphors?

  • The theme is loss, sadness, and being haunted by memories, especially of a loved one like Lenore.

b) Identify 1 simile and 2 examples of imagery and explain their effect:

  • Simile: "Weak and weary" shows the speaker is emotionally drained.
  • Imagery: "Midnight dreary" creates a dark and lonely setting.
  • Imagery: "Bleak December" emphasizes the cold and lifeless feeling.

c) What feelings does the poem evoke in you?

Answer in five sentences: The poem makes me feel sad and a little scared. It talks about a man who hears a knock at his door at night. He is thinking about his lost love, Lenore. The darkness and the knocking create a spooky atmosphere. It shows feelings of sorrow and loneliness.

Answer in ten sentences: The poem makes me feel a bit scared and curious. It has a dark and mysterious atmosphere. The tapping at the door creates suspense. I feel the sadness of the person remembering Lenore. The poem is haunting and gives a sense of loss. The midnight setting adds to the eerie feeling. It makes me think about the unknown. The repeated tapping builds tension. The poem makes me feel the weight of sorrow. It evokes a feeling of melancholy and intrigue.

Worksheet 9: Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare

a) Answer the following questions:

i. How does the poet use a metaphor to compare his beloved to a summer’s day?

  • The poet compares his beloved to a summer's day, saying they are more lovely and constant.

ii. What imagery does the poet use to describe the summer?

  • The poet uses "rough winds" and the "eye of heaven" to describe the imperfections of summer.

iii. What is the significance of "the eye of heaven" in the poem?

  • "The eye of heaven" is a metaphor for the sun, showing how it can be too hot or too dim.

iv. How does the metaphor of "eternal summer" express love's endurance?

  • The metaphor "eternal summer" suggests that the poet’s love for his beloved will never fade, unlike the short season of summer.

v. How does the imagery in the poem enhance the theme of beauty?

  • The poet contrasts the changing nature of summer with the lasting beauty of his beloved, showing that their beauty will never fade.

b) Identify 1 simile and 2 metaphors from the poem and explain their meaning:

  • Simile: "Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?" compares the beloved to something beautiful.
  • Metaphor: "Eye of heaven" represents the sun.
  • Metaphor: "Eternal summer" means everlasting beauty and love.

c) How does the poem make you feel about the concept of beauty and love?

Answer in five sentences: The poem makes me feel that true beauty and love last forever. It compares a loved one to a lovely summer day. The poet says that this beauty will never fade. Unlike a summer day, it will live on forever in the poem. It shows the power of love and poetry.

Answer in ten sentences: The poem makes me feel that beauty and love are eternal. It compares a loved one to a perfect summer day. The words are very affectionate and admiring. It makes me think about how love can make someone seem timeless. The poem praises the everlasting nature of true beauty. It suggests that love can keep beauty alive forever. I feel the poet’s deep appreciation for the person he loves. The imagery of summer makes me feel warm and happy. It shows that love and beauty can transcend time. The poem leaves me with a sense of admiration for lasting love.

Worksheet 10: "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" by W.B. Yeats

a) Answer the following questions:

i. What imagery does the poet use to describe Innisfree?

  • The poet describes "a small cabin," "nine bean-rows," "a hive for the honey-bee," and "lake water lapping," creating a peaceful, natural setting.

ii. How does the poet create a sense of peace through nature?

  • The poet describes the "peace dropping slow," the "glimmer" of midnight, and the soft sounds of the lake, making the reader feel calm.

iii. Identify an example of metaphor in the second stanza and explain its meaning.

  • "Peace comes dropping slow" is a metaphor that shows how peace in nature slowly fills the poet’s heart.

iv. How does the poet contrast city life with life at Innisfree?

  • The poet contrasts the noisy, grey pavements of the city with the quiet, beautiful, and natural life at Innisfree.

v. How does the imagery of the natural world reflect the poet’s desire for peace?

  • The soft sounds of the lake and the calm of nature show the poet’s deep longing for peace and solitude.

b) Identify 1 simile and 1 metaphor from the poem and explain their effect:

  • Simile: There isn't a direct simile, but the descriptions of the natural world suggest quiet beauty, like a peaceful retreat.
  • Metaphor: "Peace comes dropping slow" shows how nature gradually brings calmness to the poet's mind.

c) How does the poem make you feel about nature and solitude?

Answer in five sentences: The poem makes me feel calm and peaceful. It talks about living alone in nature. The poet describes a quiet place with bees and lakes. It shows that being in nature can bring peace. The poem makes me want to visit a quiet and beautiful place.

Answer in ten sentences: The poem makes me feel a longing for peace and quiet. It describes a simple life close to nature. I imagine a calm and beautiful place. The sounds and sights of nature in the poem are soothing. It makes me appreciate the tranquility of being alone in nature. I feel the poet’s desire to escape the busy world. The imagery of the lake and cabin is very inviting. It makes me think about finding solace in natural surroundings. The poem evokes a sense of inner peace. It shows the restorative power of nature and solitude.

Worksheet 11: "Ode to Autumn" by John Keats

a) Answer the following questions:

i. How does the poet use imagery to describe the season of autumn?

  • The poet describes "mellow fruitfulness," "apples," "vines," and "flowers" to show how autumn is a time of harvest and abundance.

ii. What is the metaphor in the phrase "bosom-friend of the maturing sun"?

  • The metaphor compares autumn to a close friend of the sun, showing how they work together to bring ripeness and growth.

iii. How does the poet create a sense of abundance in the poem?

  • The poet describes fruit filling to the core, trees bending with apples, and flowers blooming late, showing that autumn is full of life and growth.

iv. How does the imagery of fruits and flowers reflect the theme of growth?

  • The ripe fruits and blooming flowers show that autumn is a time of maturity and the fulfillment of the season’s potential.

v. How does the poem convey the passing of time through imagery?

  • The poem talks about ripening fruits and fading flowers, showing how time moves from growth to harvest, and eventually, to the end of the season.

b) Identify 1 simile and 2 metaphors from the poem and explain their effect:

  • Simile: There is no direct simile in this part of the poem, but comparisons show autumn as a season of richness.
  • Metaphor: "Bosom-friend of the maturing sun" shows how autumn works with the sun to ripen the fruits.
  • Metaphor: "To fill all fruit with ripeness to the core" emphasizes the fullness and richness of the harvest.

c) What does the poem make you feel about autumn?

Answer in five sentences: The poem makes me feel that autumn is a season of beauty and harvest. It describes fruits and flowers growing ripe. The days are warm and full of sunshine. Bees are busy gathering nectar. It shows that autumn is a time of abundance and beauty.

Answer in ten sentences: The poem makes me feel that autumn is a time of richness and beauty. It describes the abundance of fruits and flowers. I imagine the warm colors and bountiful harvests. The poem shows autumn as a season of plenty. It makes me appreciate the natural cycle of growth. The imagery is vivid and makes me feel cozy. It highlights the generosity of nature in autumn. I feel the poet’s admiration for the season. The poem captures the essence of autumn’s fullness. It makes me feel connected to the earth and its rhythms.

Worksheet 12: "The Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred Lord Tennyson

a) Answer the following questions:

i. How does the poet use imagery to describe the battle scene?

  • The poet describes "the valley of Death," "charge for the guns," and "the six hundred" to show the soldiers riding bravely into danger.

ii. What is the metaphor in the phrase "valley of Death"?

  • "Valley of Death" is a metaphor for the dangerous battlefield where many soldiers will lose their lives.

iii. How does the poet describe the bravery of the soldiers?

  • The poet shows the soldiers as fearless, saying they did not question orders and charged forward even though they knew the danger.

iv. How does the imagery reflect the theme of duty and sacrifice?

  • The images of riding into the "valley of Death" and following orders without hesitation show how the soldiers sacrificed themselves for their duty.

v. How does the repetition in the poem enhance the intensity of the action?

  • The repeated phrases like "half a league" and "the six hundred" make the charge feel fast and intense, showing the bravery of the soldiers.

b) Identify 2 metaphors and 1 simile from the poem and explain their purpose:

  • Metaphor: "Valley of Death" shows the battlefield as a place where death is almost certain.
  • Metaphor: "The jaws of Death" personifies death, making it seem like something trying to devour the soldiers.
  • Simile: There is no direct simile in this part, but the soldiers are described as if they are rushing into something inevitable and dangerous.

c) How does the poem make you feel about courage and sacrifice?

Answer in five sentences: The poem makes me feel that soldiers are very brave. It talks about a group of soldiers charging into battle. They knew it was dangerous but did it anyway. They followed orders without question. It shows their courage and willingness to sacrifice for others.

Answer in ten sentences: The poem makes me feel a deep respect for bravery. It describes the soldiers’ fearless charge. The willingness to face danger is inspiring. I feel the honor and duty of the soldiers. The poem shows the high cost of sacrifice. It makes me think about the valor in battle. The repeated lines emphasize their bravery. I feel the gravity of their mission. The poem evokes a sense of heroism. It highlights the nobility of courage and sacrifice.

Worksheet 13: "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Excerpt)

a) Answer the following questions:

i. How does the poet use imagery to describe the sea?

  • The poet describes "the fair breeze blew," "the white foam flew," and "the bloody Sun," creating a vivid picture of both movement and stillness at sea.

ii. What metaphor is used to describe the sun, and what does it mean?

  • The sun is described as "bloody," suggesting danger, heat, and the oppressive feeling of being stuck in a lifeless sea.

iii. How does the poet convey a sense of danger and stillness?

  • The poet shows movement stopping when "the breeze dropt down" and the sails fell, creating a sense of being trapped in a lifeless sea under a hot, oppressive sun.

iv. How does the imagery reflect the mood of the mariners?

  • The stillness and the "copper sky" reflect the mariners' hopelessness and fear as they are stuck in a silent, unmoving sea.

v. How does the poet contrast movement and stillness through imagery?

  • The poem begins with movement, "the white foam flew," and ends with complete stillness as the "breeze dropt down" and the mariners feel trapped.

b) Identify 1 simile and 2 metaphors from the poem and explain their meaning:

  • Simile: There is no direct simile, but the "copper sky" and "bloody Sun" compare the setting to something unnatural and threatening.
  • Metaphor: "The bloody Sun" suggests danger and hopelessness.
  • Metaphor: "Copper sky" gives the image of an unrelenting, hot, lifeless environment.

c) How does the poem make you feel about the sea?

Answer in five sentences: The poem makes me feel that the sea is both beautiful and mysterious. It talks about a ship sailing on a calm sea. The sky is described as hot and copper-colored. The sailors feel a deep silence around them. It shows the sea as a place of both peace and mystery.

Answer in ten sentences: The poem makes me feel that the sea is both beautiful and dangerous. It describes the sea with vivid imagery. I imagine the white foam and the silent sea. The poem shows the sea’s vastness and mystery. It makes me think about the power of nature. The stillness of the sea can be eerie. I feel the isolation of being at sea. The hot and copper sky adds to the tension. The poem captures the sea’s unpredictability. It evokes a sense of awe and respect for the sea.