Class Nine English Model Question: Q1

Class Nine English Model Question: Q1

NCTB Sample Question

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Being an exemplary citizen entails actively contributing to the welfare of one's community and nation. It transcends mere adherence to laws; it involves a conscious effort to foster positive change and promote the common good. A cornerstone of responsible citizenship is participation in the democratic process, particularly through voting. By casting a ballot, citizens exercise their power to influence the selection of leaders who will shape policies and governance for the benefit of society. Furthermore, law-abiding behaviour and the timely payment of taxes are vital duties. These contributions fund essential public services, such as the construction of educational institutions, infrastructure, and healthcare facilities, which are the backbone of a thriving society.

Environmental stewardship is another critical aspect of good citizenship. This includes conserving natural resources, maintaining cleanliness in public spaces, and advocating for sustainable practices like recycling. By respecting diverse cultures and beliefs, good citizens foster a more inclusive and harmonious society, where mutual understanding and cooperation prevail.

Moreover, civic responsibility extends to aiding others in the community. This can be demonstrated through volunteerism, assisting those in need, or supporting local businesses. Engaged citizens recognize the value of education and take steps to promote lifelong learning, both for themselves and for others, understanding that an informed populace is essential for societal progress.

Lastly, maintaining one's health and well-being is a civic duty that cannot be overlooked. A healthy citizenry contributes to the overall vitality of the community. This responsibility involves adopting healthy eating habits, staying physically active, and managing stress effectively. By prioritizing these aspects, citizens ensure that they are capable of contributing positively to society, thereby enhancing the quality of life for everyone within the community.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What does being an exemplary citizen primarily involve?

  • i. Following all laws strictly
  • ii. Contributing to the welfare of the community and nation
  • iii. Paying taxes on time
  • iv. Voting in every election

b) According to the passage, what is considered a cornerstone of responsible citizenship?

  • i. Environmental conservation
  • ii. Participation in the democratic process
  • iii. Maintaining personal health
  • iv. Supporting local businesses

c) How do citizens influence the selection of leaders, as mentioned in the passage?

  • i. By participating in community service
  • ii. By casting a ballot in elections
  • iii. By paying taxes
  • iv. By attending public meetings

d) How do good citizens contribute to a more inclusive society?

  • i. By voting in every election
  • ii. By paying taxes regularly
  • iii. By respecting diverse cultures and beliefs
  • iv. By participating in debates

e) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a responsibility of an exemplary citizen?

  • i. Participating in the democratic process
  • ii. Conserving natural resources
  • iii. Adopting healthy eating habits
  • iv. Traveling frequently

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) What are the vital duties mentioned in the passage that support public services?
  • ii) Why is participation in the democratic process important for responsible citizenship?
  • iii)How does the passage define the ultimate impact of responsible citizenship?
  • iv) What is the role of education in responsible citizenship?
  • v) How does respecting diverse cultures and beliefs contribute to society?

C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5

Column A (Word)
 Column B (Definition)
An important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.
Publicly supporting or recommending a particular cause or policy.
The responsible management and care of something
Serving as a desirable model; representing the best of its kind.
 Open to everyone, regardless of differences such as race, religion

NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 2. Viruses and Bacteria

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Viruses and bacteria are microorganisms that can cause diseases in humans, animals, and plants. While they share some similarities, they differ in many ways. Bacteria are single-celled organisms that can thrive in various environments, including inside the human body. Some bacteria are beneficial, helping with digestion or protecting against harmful organisms, but others cause infections. Bacterial infections, such as strep throat or tuberculosis, can often be treated with antibiotics.

Viruses, on the other hand, are much smaller than bacteria and cannot survive or reproduce outside a living host. They invade healthy cells and use those cells to multiply, which often leads to diseases like the flu, HIV, or COVID-19. Unlike bacterial infections, viral infections cannot be treated with antibiotics. Instead, vaccines and antiviral drugs are often used to prevent or manage viral diseases.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What is one key difference between bacteria and viruses?

  • i. Bacteria can survive outside a host; viruses cannot.
  • ii. Viruses can be treated with antibiotics; bacteria cannot.
  • iii. Bacteria are smaller than viruses.
  • iv. Both are treated with the same medicine.

b) How are bacterial infections typically treated?

  • i. With antiviral drugs
  • ii. With antibiotics
  • iii. With vaccines
  • iv. With rest

c) Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus?

  • i. Strep throat
  • ii. Tuberculosis
  • iii. COVID-19
  • iv. E. coli infection

d) What do viruses need to reproduce?

  • i. A warm environment
  • ii. Antibiotics
  • iii. Healthy cells
  • iv. Sunlight

e) Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

  • i. Bacteria are all harmful to humans.
  • ii. Viruses can reproduce on their own.
  • iii. Some bacteria help with digestion.
  • iv. Antibiotics treat viral infections.

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) What are some environments where bacteria can thrive?
  • ii) Why can't antibiotics treat viral infections?
  • iii) Give an example of a disease caused by bacteria and one caused by a virus.
  • iv) What is the role of vaccines in viral infections?
  • v) Explain how viruses reproduce.
C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5
Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
Medicines that destroy or slow the growth of bacteria.
Diseases caused by harmful bacteria or viruses.
Tiny organisms, such as viruses and bacteria.
A living organism that a virus infects to reproduce.
The process of giving a vaccine to protect against disease.

Answer to NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 2. Viruses and Bacteria

A. MCQs (Answers):

a) What is one key difference between bacteria and viruses?

  • i. Bacteria can survive outside a host; viruses cannot.

b) How are bacterial infections typically treated?

  • ii. With antibiotics.

c) Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus?

  • iii. COVID-19.

d) What do viruses need to reproduce?

  • iii. Healthy cells.

e) Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

  • iii. Some bacteria help with digestion.

B. Short Answer Questions (Answers):

i) What are some environments where bacteria can thrive?

  • Bacteria can live in many places like inside our body, in water, and on different surfaces.

ii) Why can't antibiotics treat viral infections?

  • Antibiotics do not work on viruses because viruses are different from bacteria.

iii) Give an example of a disease caused by bacteria and one caused by a virus.

  • Strep throat is caused by bacteria, and the flu is caused by a virus.

iv) What is the role of vaccines in viral infections?

  • Vaccines help prevent people from getting sick by protecting them from viruses.

v) Explain how viruses reproduce.

  • Viruses need to enter a healthy cell to make more viruses.

C. Matching Activity (Answers):

  1. Microorganisms - Tiny organisms, such as viruses and bacteria.
  2. Antibiotics - Medicines that destroy or slow the growth of bacteria.
  3. Infections - Diseases caused by harmful bacteria or viruses.
  4. Vaccines - The process of giving a vaccine to protect against disease.
  5. Host - A living organism that a virus infects to reproduce.

NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 3. Culture and Civilization

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Culture refers to the shared beliefs, customs, traditions, and behaviors of a group of people. It includes language, art, religion, and social habits. Civilization, on the other hand, refers to an advanced stage of human society in which people live in cities and practice agriculture, trade, and organized government. Civilizations are often characterized by significant achievements in science, art, and governance.

Throughout history, cultures have shaped civilizations, influencing the way people live and interact. Civilizations like Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Roman Empire were built on strong cultural foundations that included religion, literature, and architecture. Today, cultures continue to shape modern civilizations, though globalization has led to increased interaction and blending between them.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What is culture primarily composed of?

  • i. Government systems
  • ii. Shared beliefs and customs
  • iii. Technology
  • iv. Military strength

b) What defines a civilization?

  • i. Advanced cities and organized government
  • ii. Religion and art
  • iii. Agriculture and language
  • iv. Global trade

c) Which of the following civilizations is mentioned in the passage?

  • i. The Aztecs
  • ii. Ancient Egypt
  • iii. The Mayans
  • iv. The Vikings

d) What impact does culture have on civilizations?

  • i. It shapes how people live and interact.
  • ii. It helps governments enforce laws.
  • iii. It increases agricultural production.
  • iv. It controls trade routes.

e) What has globalization done to modern cultures?

  • i. It has isolated them.
  • ii. It has made them more advanced.
  • iii. It has blended different cultures together.
  • iv. It has weakened civilization.

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) What are two components of culture?
  • ii) How did cultures influence ancient civilizations?
  • iii) What achievements define a civilization?
  • iv) Give an example of a past civilization mentioned in the passage.
  • v) What effect has globalization had on culture?

C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5

Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
An advanced stage of human society.
Traditions, beliefs, and social practices.
The art and science of building structures.
The growing of crops and raising of animals.
The interaction and integration of different cultures worldwide.

Answer to NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 3. Culture and Civilization

A. MCQs (Answers):

a) What is culture primarily composed of?

  • ii. Shared beliefs and customs.

b) What defines a civilization?

  • i. Advanced cities and organized government.

c) Which of the following civilizations is mentioned in the passage?

  • ii. Ancient Egypt.

d) What impact does culture have on civilizations?

  • i. It shapes how people live and interact.

e) What has globalization done to modern cultures?

  • iii. It has blended different cultures together.

B. Short Answer Questions (Answers):

i) What are two components of culture?

  • Two parts of culture are language and art.

ii) How did cultures influence ancient civilizations?

  • Cultures helped shape how people lived and built great civilizations like Egypt.

iii) What achievements define a civilization?

  • Civilizations are known for things like cities, farming, and strong governments.

iv) Give an example of a past civilization mentioned in the passage.

  • Ancient Egypt is one example of a civilization.

v) What effect has globalization had on culture?

  • Globalization has mixed different cultures together from around the world.

C. Matching Activity (Answers):

  1. Culture - Traditions, beliefs, and social practices.
  2. Civilization - An advanced stage of human society.
  3. Agriculture - The growing of crops and raising of animals.
  4. Architecture - The art and science of building structures.
  5. Globalization - The interaction and integration of different cultures worldwide.

NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 4. Organic and Inorganic Foods

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Organic foods are grown without using synthetic chemicals, such as pesticides or artificial fertilizers. Instead, organic farmers use natural methods like crop rotation and composting to improve the soil and keep plants healthy. Animals raised for organic meat, eggs, and dairy products are not given antibiotics or growth hormones. They are fed organic food and often have access to the outdoors, where they can roam freely.

In contrast, inorganic or conventional foods are produced using synthetic chemicals to protect crops from pests and diseases. These methods can help increase crop yield and reduce food costs, but they also raise concerns about the environment and human health. Some people worry that pesticide residues on conventional foods may harm consumers, although most countries have regulations to ensure safety.

While organic foods are often more expensive, many people choose them because they believe organic farming is better for the environment and may be healthier. However, research on the health benefits of organic food is still ongoing, and not all experts agree on the advantages. Ultimately, whether to buy organic or inorganic food is a personal choice, influenced by factors such as budget, health, and environmental concerns.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What is the main difference between organic and inorganic foods?

  • i. Organic foods are cheaper than inorganic foods.
  • ii. Organic foods are grown without synthetic chemicals.
  • iii. Organic foods use pesticides to keep plants healthy.
  • iv. Organic foods are produced using antibiotics.

b) How do organic farmers improve the health of their crops?

  • i. By using artificial fertilizers.
  • ii. By using natural methods like crop rotation.
  • iii. By spraying synthetic pesticides.
  • iv. By keeping animals indoors.

c) What is one concern about inorganic foods?

  • i. They are too expensive.
  • ii. They may contain pesticide residues.
  • iii. They do not taste good.
  • iv. They are not available in all countries.

d) Why do some people choose organic foods?

  • i. Organic foods are grown with synthetic chemicals.
  • ii. Organic foods are believed to be better for the environment.
  • iii. Organic foods are less regulated.
  • iv. Organic foods are easier to grow.

e) What factor might influence someone’s decision to buy organic or inorganic food?

  • i. The size of their garden.
  • ii. Their budget and health concerns.
  • iii. The use of antibiotics in meat production.
  • iv. The number of pests in the area.

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) What do organic farmers avoid using in their crops?
  • ii) How do organic farmers keep their crops healthy?
  • iii) Why are some people concerned about inorganic foods?
  • iv) Why do some people prefer organic foods?
  • v) Is there a clear answer on whether organic foods are healthier?
C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5

Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
Chemicals used to kill pests on crops.
A method where different crops are grown in a field each year.
Produced with synthetic chemicals.
Produced without synthetic chemicals.
Crop rotation
The process of recycling organic waste to make soil healthier.

Answer to NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 4. Organic and Inorganic Foods

A. MCQs (Answers):

a) What is the main difference between organic and inorganic foods?

  • ii. Organic foods are grown without synthetic chemicals.

b) How do organic farmers improve the health of their crops?

  • ii. By using natural methods like crop rotation.

c) What is one concern about inorganic foods?

  • ii. They may contain pesticide residues.

d) Why do some people choose organic foods?

  • ii. Organic foods are believed to be better for the environment.

e) What factor might influence someone’s decision to buy organic or inorganic food?

  • ii. Their budget and health concerns.

B. Short Answer Questions (Answers):

i) What do organic farmers avoid using in their crops?

  • Organic farmers avoid using synthetic chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers.

ii) How do organic farmers keep their crops healthy?

  • They use natural methods such as crop rotation and composting.

iii) Why are some people concerned about inorganic foods?

  • Some people worry that inorganic foods may have pesticide residues that could be harmful.

iv) Why do some people prefer organic foods?

  • They believe organic foods are better for the environment and may be healthier.

v) Is there a clear answer on whether organic foods are healthier?

  • No, experts are still researching this, and not everyone agrees.

C. Matching Activity (Answers):

  1. Organic - Produced without synthetic chemicals.
  2. Inorganic - Produced with synthetic chemicals.
  3. Pesticides - Chemicals used to kill pests on crops.
  4. Crop rotation - A method where different crops are grown in a field each year.
  5. Composting - The process of recycling organic waste to make soil healthier.

NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 5. The Padma Bridge

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

The Padma Bridge is one of the largest infrastructure projects in Bangladesh. It connects the southwestern part of the country to the capital, Dhaka. The bridge spans the Padma River, one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh. Before the bridge was built, people had to rely on ferries, which could be slow and dangerous, especially during the monsoon season. Now, the bridge provides a safe and fast way to travel across the river.

The construction of the Padma Bridge began in 2014 and was completed in 2022. It is not just a road bridge but also has a railway line, which will make it easier for people and goods to travel between Dhaka and the southern districts. The bridge is over six kilometers long, making it one of the longest bridges in the world.

The Padma Bridge is expected to help the economy of Bangladesh by making transportation faster and easier. It will also connect rural areas to the capital, allowing farmers to sell their goods in larger markets. The bridge symbolizes the development and progress of Bangladesh, showing the world that the country is moving forward.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) Where is the Padma Bridge located?

  • i. In the northern part of Bangladesh.
  • ii. In the southwestern part of Bangladesh.
  • iii. In the southeastern part of Bangladesh.
  • iv. In the capital city, Dhaka.

b) What did people use to cross the Padma River before the bridge?

  • i. Trains.
  • ii. Ferries.
  • iii. Buses.
  • iv. Airplanes.

c) When was the Padma Bridge completed?

  • i. 2022.
  • ii. 2020.
  • iii. 2015.
  • iv. 2019.

d) How long is the Padma Bridge?

  • i. Four kilometers.
  • ii. Eight kilometers.
  • iii. Six kilometers.
  • iv. Ten kilometers.

e) What is one benefit of the Padma Bridge for the economy?

  • i. It helps farmers sell their goods in larger markets.
  • ii. It slows down transportation.
  • iii. It only helps Dhaka city.
  • iv. It is dangerous to cross.

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) What river does the Padma Bridge cross?
  • ii) How did people cross the river before the bridge?
  • iii) Why is the Padma Bridge important for the economy?
  • iv) When did the construction of the Padma Bridge begin?
  • v) Why is the bridge a symbol of progress for Bangladesh?
C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5

Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
 A system of trains that carry passengers or goods.
 A rainy season in South Asia.
The system of money, trade, and business in a country.
Basic physical structures, like roads and bridges.
A boat used to transport people and vehicles across water.

Answer to NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 5. The Padma Bridge

A. MCQs (Answers):

a) Where is the Padma Bridge located?

  • ii. In the southwestern part of Bangladesh.

b) What did people use to cross the Padma River before the bridge?

  • ii. Ferries.

c) When was the Padma Bridge completed?

  • i. 2022.

d) How long is the Padma Bridge?

  • iii. Six kilometers.

e) What is one benefit of the Padma Bridge for the economy?

  • i. It helps farmers sell their goods in larger markets.

B. Short Answer Questions (Answers):

i) What river does the Padma Bridge cross?

  • The Padma Bridge crosses the Padma River.

ii) How did people cross the river before the bridge?

  • They used ferries to cross the river.

iii) Why is the Padma Bridge important for the economy?

  • It makes transportation faster and helps farmers sell goods in bigger markets.

iv) When did the construction of the Padma Bridge begin?

  • The construction began in 2014.

v) Why is the bridge a symbol of progress for Bangladesh?

  • It shows that Bangladesh is developing and moving forward.

C. Matching Activity (Answers):

  1. Infrastructure - Basic physical structures, like roads and bridges.
  2. Ferry - A boat used to transport people and vehicles across water.
  3. Railway - A system of trains that carry passengers or goods.
  4. Monsoon - A rainy season in South Asia.
  5. Economy - The system of money, trade, and business in a country.

NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 6. A Short Biography of Emily Dickinson

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830, in Amherst, Massachusetts. She was an American poet known for her reclusive lifestyle and unique poetry style. Although she wrote nearly 1,800 poems, only a handful were published during her lifetime, and most of her work became well-known after her death.

Dickinson lived much of her life in isolation, rarely leaving her family home. Her poetry was often influenced by themes of death, immortality, nature, and love. She had a distinct style, characterized by short lines, lack of titles, and unconventional punctuation. Despite her quiet life, Dickinson's poetry has had a lasting impact on American literature.

Emily Dickinson passed away on May 15, 1886, but her legacy lives on through her work, which continues to inspire readers and poets alike.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) When was Emily Dickinson born?

  • i. 1830
  • ii. 1840
  • iii. 1850
  • iv. 1860

b) What was unusual about Dickinson's poetry?

  • i. It had long titles
  • ii. It used traditional punctuation
  • iii. It was written in short lines
  • iv. It was always about love

c) How many poems did Dickinson write?

  • i. 1,500
  • ii. 1,800
  • iii. 2,000
  • iv. 2,500

d) What themes did Dickinson often explore in her poems?

  • i. Politics and war
  • ii. Nature and love
  • iii. Technology and innovation
  • iv. Adventure and travel

e) When did Emily Dickinson pass away?

  • i. 1886
  • ii. 1896
  • iii. 1906
  • iv. 1916

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) What made Emily Dickinson's poetry different from others?
  • ii) How many of her poems were published during her lifetime?
  • iii) Why did Emily Dickinson live in isolation?
  • iv) What themes did she often write about?
  • v) How is her poetry remembered today?
C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5
Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
Open to everyone
Staying apart from others
The impact left after death
Living forever
Different from the norm

Answer to NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 6. A Short Biography of Emily Dickinson

A. MCQs (Answers):

a) When was Emily Dickinson born?

  • Answer: i. 1830

b) What was unusual about Dickinson's poetry?

  • Answer: iii. It was written in short lines

c) How many poems did Dickinson write?

  • Answer: ii. 1,800

d) What themes did Dickinson often explore in her poems?

  • Answer: ii. Nature and love

e) When did Emily Dickinson pass away?

  • Answer: i. 1886

B. Short Answer Questions (Answers):

i) What made Emily Dickinson's poetry different from others?

  • Answer: Her poetry was different due to its short lines, lack of titles, and unconventional punctuation.

ii) How many of her poems were published during her lifetime?

  • Answer: Only a few of her poems were published during her lifetime.

iii) Why did Emily Dickinson live in isolation?

  • Answer: She preferred a reclusive lifestyle, rarely leaving her family home.

iv) What themes did she often write about?

  • Answer: Her poems often focused on themes of death, immortality, nature, and love.

v) How is her poetry remembered today?

  • Answer: Her poetry has a lasting impact on American literature and continues to inspire readers and poets alike.

C. Matching Activity (Answers):

  1. Isolation--Staying apart from others
  2. Legacy--The impact left after death
  3. Immortality--Living forever
  4. Unconventional--Different from the norm
  5. Reclusive--Serving as a desirable model

NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 7. What Does It Mean to Be a Responsible Student?

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Being a responsible student means more than just attending classes and completing assignments. It involves showing respect for teachers, classmates, and school rules. Responsible students take their studies seriously, manage their time well, and seek help when needed. They also participate in class discussions and activities, contributing to a positive learning environment.

A responsible student understands the importance of punctuality and meeting deadlines. They are also aware of their duties outside the classroom, such as respecting school property and following the code of conduct. Responsibility also means being honest and doing one's own work without cheating.

Finally, a responsible student sets goals for learning and personal growth. By staying organized and motivated, they ensure they are prepared for future challenges in both academics and life.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What does being a responsible student primarily involve?

  • i. Completing assignments
  • ii. Cheating on exams
  • iii. Ignoring school rules
  • iv. Avoiding class discussions

b) What is one sign of a responsible student?

  • i. Being late to class
  • ii. Meeting deadlines
  • iii. Cheating on tests
  • iv. Disrespecting teachers

c) How should responsible students handle their studies?

  • i. Ignore homework
  • ii. Procrastinate
  • iii. Take their studies seriously
  • iv. Avoid asking for help

d) What should a responsible student do in class?

  • i. Avoid participating in discussions
  • ii. Respect school property
  • iii. Distract others
  • iv. Break the code of conduct

e) What is NOT a responsibility of a good student?

  • i. Completing homework
  • ii. Being honest
  • iii. Being disrespectful
  • iv. Setting learning goals

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) What does a responsible student do in class discussions?
  • ii) Why is it important for a student to meet deadlines?
  • iii) What does honesty mean for a responsible student?
  • iv) How should a student manage their time?
  • v) Why is goal setting important for students?

C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5

Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
Staying focused and prepared
Being on time
Not following the rules
Code of conduct
Following through with tasks
Dishonest behavior during tests

Answer to NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 7. What Does It Mean to Be a Responsible Student?

A. MCQs (Answers):

a) What does being a responsible student primarily involve?

  • Answer: i. Completing assignments

b) What is one sign of a responsible student?

  • Answer: ii. Meeting deadlines

c) How should responsible students handle their studies?

  • Answer: iii. Take their studies seriously

d) What should a responsible student do in class?

  • Answer: ii. Respect school property

e) What is NOT a responsibility of a good student?

  • Answer: iii. Being disrespectful

B. Short Answer Questions (Answers):

i) What does a responsible student do in class discussions?

  • Answer: A responsible student participates in class discussions and contributes positively to the learning environment.

ii) Why is it important for a student to meet deadlines?

  • Answer: Meeting deadlines is important because it shows responsibility and helps students stay organized.

iii) What does honesty mean for a responsible student?

  • Answer: Honesty means doing one's own work without cheating.

iv) How should a student manage their time?

  • Answer: A responsible student should manage their time well by balancing schoolwork and other activities.

v) Why is goal setting important for students?

  • Answer: Setting goals helps students stay focused on their personal and academic growth.

C. Matching Activity (Answers):

  1. Punctuality--Being on time
  2. Responsibility--Following through with tasks
  3. Cheating--Dishonest behavior during tests
  4. Code of conduct--Rules and expectations
  5. Organized--Staying focused and prepared

NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 8. Why Is Water Recycled?

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Water recycling is an essential practice in today’s world, especially as fresh water becomes scarcer in many areas. Recycling water means treating wastewater so it can be used again for purposes like irrigation, industrial processes, or even drinking water in some cases.

There are several reasons why recycling water is important. First, it helps conserve the limited supply of fresh water. As the global population grows, the demand for clean water increases, making it important to use resources wisely. Water recycling also reduces the strain on natural water sources like rivers and lakes, which can be overused.

Moreover, by recycling water, communities can reduce their environmental impact. It cuts down on the need to extract new water and reduces the amount of wastewater being released into the environment. This protects ecosystems and ensures that there is enough water for future generations.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What does recycling water involve?

  • i. Throwing away waste
  • ii. Treating water to use again
  • iii. Using water only once
  • iv. Wasting water resources

b) Why is water recycling important?

  • i. It helps conserve fresh water
  • ii. It wastes natural resources
  • iii. It pollutes the environment
  • iv. It increases water demand

c) What happens when we recycle water?

  • i. Natural water sources are depleted
  • ii. Communities have more water
  • iii. More water is wasted
  • iv. The environment suffers

d) How does water recycling help the environment?

  • i. By increasing pollution
  • ii. By using more resources
  • iii. By protecting ecosystems
  • iv. By damaging rivers

e) What is one result of not recycling water?

  • i. Fresh water becomes more abundant
  • ii. Clean water becomes less available
  • iii. Wastewater decreases
  • iv. Water sources remain unaffected

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) Why is fresh water becoming scarce?
  • ii) What does water recycling involve?
  • iii) How does recycling water help communities?
  • iv) How does it protect ecosystems?
  • v) Why is it important to conserve water for future generations?
C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5
Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
Water used after an activity
Not enough of something
Protecting natural areas
Community of living things
Environmental impact
Saving and using wisely

Answer to NCTB Textbook Related Unseen Passage 8. Why Is Water Recycled?

A. MCQs (Answers):

a) What does recycling water involve?

  • Answer: ii. Treating water to use again

b) Why is water recycling important?

  • Answer: i. It helps conserve fresh water

c) What happens when we recycle water?

  • Answer: ii. Communities have more water

d) How does water recycling help the environment?

  • Answer: iii. By protecting ecosystems

e) What is one result of not recycling water?

  • Answer: ii. Clean water becomes less available

B. Short Answer Questions (Answers):

i) Why is fresh water becoming scarce?

  • Answer: Fresh water is becoming scarce due to increasing demand from population growth and overuse of natural water sources.

ii) What does water recycling involve?

  • Answer: Water recycling involves treating wastewater so it can be reused for purposes such as irrigation, industrial use, or even drinking water.

iii) How does recycling water help communities?

  • Answer: Recycling water helps communities by reducing their dependence on limited freshwater sources and providing additional water for various uses.

iv) How does it protect ecosystems?

  • Answer: Recycling water reduces the strain on rivers and lakes, helping to preserve ecosystems and protect wildlife.

v) Why is it important to conserve water for future generations?

  • Answer: Conserving water ensures that future generations will have access to clean, usable water for their needs.

C. Matching Activity (Answers):

  1. Scarce--Not enough of something
  2. Ecosystem--Community of living things
  3. Wastewater--Water used after an activity
  4. Conserve--Saving and using wisely
  5. Environmental impact--Effect on natural surroundings

Unseen Passage 9. Responsible Citizenship in Bangladesh

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Being an exemplary citizen entails actively contributing to the welfare of one's community and nation. It transcends mere adherence to laws; it involves a conscious effort to foster positive change and promote the common good. A cornerstone of responsible citizenship is participation in the democratic process, particularly through voting. By casting a ballot, citizens exercise their power to influence the selection of leaders who will shape policies and governance for the benefit of society. Furthermore, law-abiding behaviour and the timely payment of taxes are vital duties. These contributions fund essential public services, such as the construction of educational institutions, infrastructure, and healthcare facilities, which are the backbone of a thriving society.

Environmental stewardship is another critical aspect of good citizenship. This includes conserving natural resources, maintaining cleanliness in public spaces, and advocating for sustainable practices like recycling. By respecting diverse cultures and beliefs, good citizens foster a more inclusive and harmonious society, where mutual understanding and cooperation prevail.

Moreover, civic responsibility extends to aiding others in the community. This can be demonstrated through volunteerism, assisting those in need, or supporting local businesses. Engaged citizens recognize the value of education and take steps to promote lifelong learning, both for themselves and for others, understanding that an informed populace is essential for societal progress.

Lastly, maintaining one's health and well-being is a civic duty that cannot be overlooked. A healthy citizenry contributes to the overall vitality of the community. This responsibility involves adopting healthy eating habits, staying physically active, and managing stress effectively. By prioritizing these aspects, citizens ensure that they are capable of contributing positively to society, thereby enhancing the quality of life for everyone within the community.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What does being an exemplary citizen primarily involve?

  • i. Following all laws strictly
  • ii. Contributing to the welfare of the community and nation
  • iii. Paying taxes on time
  • iv. Voting in every election

b) According to the passage, what is considered a cornerstone of responsible citizenship?

  • i. Environmental conservation
  • ii. Participation in the democratic process
  • iii. Maintaining personal health
  • iv. Supporting local businesses

c) How do citizens influence the selection of leaders, as mentioned in the passage?

  • i. By participating in community service
  • ii. By casting a ballot in elections
  • iii. By paying taxes
  • iv. By attending public meetings

d) How do good citizens contribute to a more inclusive society?

  • i. By voting in every election
  • ii. By paying taxes regularly
  • iii. By respecting diverse cultures and beliefs
  • iv. By participating in debates

e) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a responsibility of an exemplary citizen?

  • i. Participating in the democratic process
  • ii. Conserving natural resources
  • iii. Adopting healthy eating habits
  • iv. Traveling frequently

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2x5=10

  • i) What are the vital duties mentioned in the passage that support public services?
  • ii) Why is participation in the democratic process important for responsible citizenship?
  • iii) How does the passage define the ultimate impact of responsible citizenship?
  • iv) What is the role of education in responsible citizenship?
  • v) How does respecting diverse cultures and beliefs contribute to society?

C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1x5=5

Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
An important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.
Publicly supporting or recommending a particular cause or policy.
The responsible management and care of something
Serving as a desirable model; representing the best of its kind.
Open to everyone, regardless of differences such as race, religion

Answer to Unseen Passage 9. Responsible Citizenship in Bangladesh

A. MCQs (Answers):

a) What does being an exemplary citizen primarily involve?

  • Answer: ii. Contributing to the welfare of the community and nation

b) According to the passage, what is considered a cornerstone of responsible citizenship?

  • Answer: ii. Participation in the democratic process

c) How do citizens influence the selection of leaders, as mentioned in the passage?

  • Answer: ii. By casting a ballot in elections

d) How do good citizens contribute to a more inclusive society?

  • Answer: iii. By respecting diverse cultures and beliefs

e) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a responsibility of an exemplary citizen?

  • Answer: iv. Traveling frequently

B. Short Answer Questions (Answers):

i) What are the vital duties mentioned in the passage that support public services?

  • Answer: Citizens must pay taxes and follow laws.

ii) Why is participation in the democratic process important for responsible citizenship?

  • Answer: It helps citizens choose their leaders.

iii) How does the passage define the ultimate impact of responsible citizenship?

  • Answer: It makes the community better for everyone.

iv) What is the role of education in responsible citizenship?

  • Answer: Education helps people learn and improve their lives.

v) How does respecting diverse cultures and beliefs contribute to society?

  • Answer: It helps people get along and work together.

C. Matching Activity (Answers):

  1. Exemplary--Serving as a desirable model; representing the best of its kind.
  2. Cornerstone--An important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends.
  3. Inclusive--Open to everyone, regardless of differences such as race, religion.
  4. Advocating--Publicly supporting or recommending a particular cause or policy.
  5. Stewardship--The responsible management and care of something.

Unseen Passage 10. Road Safety in Bangladesh

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Road safety is a major concern in Bangladesh due to frequent accidents caused by reckless driving, poor road conditions, and a lack of traffic regulations. Ensuring road safety involves various stakeholders, including the government, drivers, and pedestrians. The government plays a critical role by enforcing traffic laws and maintaining infrastructure. Regular road maintenance and the installation of proper traffic signals can significantly reduce accidents.

Drivers must adhere to traffic rules and practice safe driving to prevent accidents. This includes not overspeeding, avoiding the use of mobile phones while driving, and being aware of pedestrian crossings. Pedestrians also have responsibilities, such as using designated crossing areas and being vigilant while walking near roads.

Public awareness campaigns are essential to educate people about road safety measures. Schools and community centers can host workshops and distribute informational materials to teach safe practices. Moreover, incorporating road safety education into the school curriculum can instill good habits from a young age.

In conclusion, improving road safety in Bangladesh requires a collective effort. The government must enforce laws strictly, drivers must practice safe driving, and pedestrians must follow safety guidelines. Together, these actions can help create a safer environment for everyone on the roads.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What is a major cause of road accidents in Bangladesh?

  • i. Good road conditions
  • ii. Reckless driving
  • iii. Proper traffic regulations
  • iv. Safe driving

b) Who are the stakeholders involved in ensuring road safety?

  • i. Only the government
  • ii. Only drivers
  • iii. Only pedestrians
  • iv. The government, drivers, and pedestrians

c) What role does the government play in road safety?

  • i. Ignoring traffic laws
  • ii. Enforcing traffic laws and maintaining infrastructure
  • iii. Overlooking road conditions
  • iv. Allowing reckless driving

d) How can drivers prevent accidents?

  • i. By overspeeding
  • ii. By using mobile phones while driving
  • iii. By adhering to traffic rules and practicing safe driving
  • iv. By ignoring pedestrian crossings

e) What is essential for educating people about road safety measures?

  • i. Ignoring road safety
  • ii. Public awareness campaigns
  • iii. Avoiding informational materials
  • iv. Practicing unsafe driving

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2x5=10

  • i) Why is road safety a major concern in Bangladesh?
  • ii) What responsibilities do pedestrians have to ensure road safety?
  • iii) How can public awareness campaigns contribute to road safety?
  • iv) What can schools do to promote road safe

Answer to Unseen Passage 10. Road Safety in Bangladesh

A. MCQs (Answers):

a) What is a major cause of road accidents in Bangladesh?

  • Answer: ii. Reckless driving

b) Who are the stakeholders involved in ensuring road safety?

  • Answer: iv. The government, drivers, and pedestrians

c) What role does the government play in road safety?

  • Answer: ii. Enforcing traffic laws and maintaining infrastructure

d) How can drivers prevent accidents?

  • Answer: iii. By adhering to traffic rules and practicing safe driving

e) What is essential for educating people about road safety measures?

  • Answer: ii. Public awareness campaigns

B. Short Answer Questions (Answers):

i) Why is road safety a major concern in Bangladesh?

  • Answer: There are many accidents on the roads.

ii) What responsibilities do pedestrians have to ensure road safety?

  • Answer: Pedestrians should cross at safe places and look out for cars.

iii) How can public awareness campaigns contribute to road safety?

  • Answer: They teach people about safe driving and crossing the road.

iv) What can schools do to promote road safety?

  • Answer: Schools can teach students about safe road practices.

v) How can the government improve road safety in Bangladesh?

  • Answer: The government can build better roads and enforce traffic laws.

C. Matching Activity (Answers):

  1. Reckless--Careless and without consideration for consequences.
  2. Infrastructure--The physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society.
  3. Adhere--Following laws and guidelines for driving and walking safely.
  4. Vigilant--Keeping a careful watch for possible dangers or difficulties.
  5. Stakeholders--People with an interest or concern in something.

Unseen Passage 11. Climate Change and Its Effects on Bangladesh

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Climate change is a pressing issue worldwide, and Bangladesh is one of the countries most affected by its impacts. Rising sea levels threaten the coastal areas, leading to the displacement of millions of people. Bangladesh has vast low-lying regions that are highly vulnerable to flooding, which worsens during the monsoon season. The frequency and intensity of cyclones have also increased, causing widespread destruction to homes, crops, and livelihoods.

Additionally, erratic rainfall patterns lead to both droughts and floods, further complicating the lives of farmers who depend on predictable weather patterns for their harvests. As a country with a large agricultural sector, this unpredictability significantly impacts food security. With temperatures rising, crops are more susceptible to pests and diseases, leading to reduced yields and economic hardship for farmers.

Efforts are being made to mitigate the effects of climate change in Bangladesh. The government, along with international organizations, is investing in early warning systems, cyclone shelters, and climate-resilient infrastructure. Local communities are also adopting sustainable practices, such as tree planting and water conservation, to reduce their vulnerability. Despite these efforts, the road to climate resilience in Bangladesh remains long and challenging.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What is one major effect of rising sea levels in Bangladesh?

i. Increased rainfall

ii. The displacement of millions of people

iii. More agricultural opportunities

iv. Decreased coastal erosion

b) What has increased due to climate change in Bangladesh?

i. The intensity of monsoons

ii. The number of earthquakes

iii. The number of droughts

iv. The frequency of cyclones

c) How does climate change affect farmers in Bangladesh?

i. By providing better crop-growing conditions

ii. By making rainfall more predictable

iii. By leading to both droughts and floods

iv. By reducing crop resilience to diseases

d) What efforts are being made to mitigate the effects of climate change in Bangladesh?

i. Installing air conditioning systems

ii. Building more cities

iii. Investing in early warning systems and cyclone shelters

iv. Encouraging people to move abroad

e) What is one sustainable practice mentioned in the passage that communities are adopting?

i. Water conservation

ii. Mining

iii. Deforestation

iv. Industrial farming

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2x5=10

i) What are the key threats posed by climate change in Bangladesh?

ii) How is agriculture in Bangladesh affected by climate change?

iii) What are the government and international organizations doing to address climate change in Bangladesh?

iv) Why is climate resilience important for Bangladesh?

v) How does water conservation help in mitigating climate change effects?

C. Match the words with their definitions. 1x5=5

Column A (Word)
Correct Answer (Definition)
Easily harmed or affected
To reduce the severity of something
A large, destructive storm
Forced movement of people
Ability to recover from difficulties

Answer to Unseen Passage 11. Climate Change and Its Effects on Bangladesh

A. MCQs (Answers):

a) What is one major effect of rising sea levels in Bangladesh?

  • Answer: ii. The displacement of millions of people.

b) What has increased due to climate change in Bangladesh?

Answer: iv. The frequency of cyclones.

c) How does climate change affect farmers in Bangladesh?

Answer: iii. By leading to both droughts and floods.

d) What efforts are being made to mitigate the effects of climate change in Bangladesh?

Answer: iii. Investing in early warning systems and cyclone shelters.

e) What is one sustainable practice mentioned in the passage that communities are adopting?

Answer: i. Water conservation.

B. Short Answer Questions (Answers):

i) What are the key threats posed by climate change in Bangladesh?

Answer: The key threats are rising sea levels, more cyclones, and food shortages.

ii) How is agriculture in Bangladesh affected by climate change?

Answer: Farmers have trouble because of strange weather, which can lead to less food.

iii) What are the government and international organizations doing to address climate change in Bangladesh?

Answer: They are building shelters and warning systems to keep people safe.

iv) Why is climate resilience important for Bangladesh?

Answer: It helps protect people and the economy from damage.

v) How does water conservation help in mitigating climate change effects?

Answer: It saves water, which helps people during dry times.

C. Matching Activity (Answers):

  1. Displacement--Forced movement of people
  2. Vulnerable--Easily harmed or affected
  3. Mitigate--To reduce the severity of something
  4. Resilience--Ability to recover from difficulties
  5. Cyclone--A large, destructive storm

Unseen Passage 12. Education and Gender Equality in Bangladesh

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Education plays a vital role in the development of any nation, and Bangladesh has made significant progress in increasing access to education for both boys and girls. Gender equality in education is essential for ensuring that everyone, regardless of gender, has the opportunity to succeed. In recent years, Bangladesh has narrowed the gender gap in primary and secondary education, with more girls attending school than ever before.

However, challenges still remain, particularly in rural areas, where traditional cultural practices and poverty can limit girls’ access to education. Many girls are forced to leave school at an early age to help with household chores or to get married. These practices not only limit their educational opportunities but also reduce their chances of achieving economic independence later in life.

The government, alongside non-governmental organizations, has taken steps to address these issues by promoting policies that encourage girls to stay in school and providing financial incentives to poor families. Empowering girls through education is not only a matter of fairness but also essential for the country's economic growth. Educated women are more likely to contribute to the economy, improve family health, and raise children who are also educated.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What progress has Bangladesh made in education?

i. Increasing access to education for boys only

ii. Increasing access to education for both boys and girls

iii. Eliminating poverty

iv. Reducing the school curriculum

b) What is one challenge to girls' education in rural areas?

i. A lack of schools

ii. Cultural practices and poverty

iii. Excessive financial aid

iv. Too many teachers

c) Why are girls sometimes forced to leave school early?

i. To attend university

ii. To help with household chores or get married

iii. To travel abroad

iv. To participate in sports

d) How does empowering girls through education benefit Bangladesh?

i. It makes them dependent on their families

ii. It contributes to economic growth

iii. It reduces the number of schools

iv. It leads to more cultural practices

e) How does the government encourage girls to stay in school?

i. By reducing school hours

ii. By offering financial incentives

iii. By lowering tuition fees

iv. By hiring more male teachers

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2x5=10

i) What is gender equality in education?

ii) Why is girls’ education important for economic growth?

iii) What challenges do girls in rural areas face in accessing education?

iv) How does education help girls achieve economic independence?

v) What are some government measures to support girls’ education in Bangladesh?

C. Match the words with their definitions. 1x5=5

Column A (Word)
Correct Answer (Definition)
Equal rights and opportunities for all genders
Gender equality
Increase in a country's wealth
Giving power or authority
Rewards to encourage a behavior
Economic growth
Freedom from reliance on others

Answer to Unseen Passage 12. Education and Gender Equality in Bangladesh

A. MCQs (Answers):

a) What progress has Bangladesh made in education?

  • Answer: ii. Increasing access to education for both boys and girls.

b) What is one challenge to girls' education in rural areas?

  • Answer: ii. Cultural practices and poverty.

c) Why are girls sometimes forced to leave school early?

  • Answer: ii. To help with household chores or get married.

d) How does empowering girls through education benefit Bangladesh?

  • Answer: ii. It contributes to economic growth.

e) How does the government encourage girls to stay in school?

  • Answer: ii. By offering financial incentives.

B. Short Answer Questions (Answers):

i) What is gender equality in education?

  • Answer: It means boys and girls have the same chances to go to school.

ii) Why is girls’ education important for economic growth?

  • Answer: Educated girls can work and help the economy.

iii) What challenges do girls in rural areas face in accessing education?

  • Answer: They have to deal with traditions and not enough money.

iv) How does education help girls achieve economic independence?

  • Answer: Education gives girls the skills to get jobs and support themselves.

v) What are some government measures to support girls’ education in Bangladesh?

  • Answer: The government gives money to families to keep girls in school.

C. Matching Activity (Answers):

  1. Empowerment--Giving power or authority
  2. Gender equality--Equal rights and opportunities for all genders
  3. Incentives--Rewards to encourage a behavior
  4. Economic growth--Increase in a country's wealth
  5. Independence--Freedom from reliance on others

Unseen Passage 13. Health and Well-Being in Bangladesh

Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Health and well-being are fundamental to the quality of life and the overall development of any country. In Bangladesh, significant improvements have been made in healthcare over the past few decades. Infant mortality rates have declined, and life expectancy has risen. Despite these achievements, many challenges remain in ensuring good health for all citizens.

One of the biggest issues is access to healthcare in rural areas, where facilities are limited, and trained medical professionals are scarce. Many people in these regions rely on traditional medicine or unqualified practitioners, which can lead to health complications. Moreover, malnutrition is still a major problem, particularly among children, due to poverty and lack of education about proper nutrition.

The government of Bangladesh, along with international organizations, is working to improve healthcare access by building more health centers and training healthcare workers. Public health campaigns focusing on hygiene, vaccination, and family planning are also helping to improve the overall health of the population.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What improvement has Bangladesh made in healthcare?

  • i. Increased the number of hospitals
  • ii. Reduced infant mortality rates
  • iii. Eliminated malnutrition
  • iv. Increased the number of doctors in cities

b) What is a major health issue in rural areas?

  • i. Lack of clean water
  • ii. Limited access to healthcare facilities
  • iii. Lack of hospitals in urban areas
  • iv. An abundance of qualified doctors

c) What do people in rural areas often rely on for healthcare?

  • i. Trained medical professionals
  • ii. Traditional medicine or unqualified practitioners
  • iii. International organizations
  • iv. Health insurance

d) How does malnutrition affect children in Bangladesh?

  • i. It makes them healthier
  • ii. It causes health complications
  • iii. It improves their education
  • iv. It increases their life expectancy

e) How is the government addressing healthcare challenges?

  • i. By building more health centers
  • ii. By reducing vaccination programs
  • iii. By eliminating hygiene campaigns
  • iv. By focusing only on cities

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2x5=10

  • i) What progress has Bangladesh made in improving healthcare?
  • ii) What challenges do rural areas face in accessing healthcare?
  • iii) How does malnutrition impact children in Bangladesh?
  • iv) What role do public health campaigns play in improving health in Bangladesh?
  • v) What is being done to improve healthcare access in rural areas?

C. Match the words with their definitions. 1x5=5

Column A (Word)
Correct Answer (Definition)
Practices to maintain health and prevent disease
Administering a vaccine to help prevent diseases
The maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health
The rate of death in a population
The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health

Answer to Unseen Passage 13. Health and Well-Being in Bangladesh

A. MCQs (Answers):

a) What improvement has Bangladesh made in healthcare?

  • Answer: ii. Reduced infant mortality rates.

b) What is a major health issue in rural areas?

  • Answer: ii. Limited access to healthcare facilities.

c) What do people in rural areas often rely on for healthcare?

  • Answer: ii. Traditional medicine or unqualified practitioners.

d) How does malnutrition affect children in Bangladesh?

  • Answer: ii. It causes health complications.

e) How is the government addressing healthcare challenges?

  • Answer: i. By building more health centers.

B. Short Answer Questions (Answers):

i) What progress has Bangladesh made in improving healthcare?

  • Answer: Bangladesh has fewer babies dying and people are living longer.

ii) What challenges do rural areas face in accessing healthcare?

  • Answer: Rural areas lack hospitals and doctors.

iii) How does malnutrition impact children in Bangladesh?

  • Answer: Malnutrition can make children sick and stop them from growing well.

iv) What role do public health campaigns play in improving health in Bangladesh?

  • Answer: They teach people about hygiene and vaccinations.

v) What is being done to improve healthcare access in rural areas?

  • Answer: The government is building more health centers and training workers.

C. Matching Activity (Answers):

  1. Mortality--The rate of death in a population
  2. Nutrition--The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health
  3. Hygiene--Practices to maintain health and prevent disease
  4. Vaccination--Administering a vaccine to help prevent diseases
  5. Healthcare--The maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health

14. Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Maintaining a balanced diet is essential for overall health and well-being. A balanced diet provides the body with essential nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, which are necessary for energy production, growth, and repair of tissues. An improper diet can lead to malnutrition, weakened immune function, and an increased risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. In contrast, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can promote optimal health and longevity.

Regular exercise complements a balanced diet by helping maintain a healthy weight, improving cardiovascular health, and boosting mood. Together, proper nutrition and physical activity form the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What is the most important factor for overall health and well-being?

  • i. Regular exercise
  • ii. Balanced diet
  • ii. Sufficient sleep
  • iv. Stress management

b) Which of the following nutrients are essential for energy production, growth, and repair of tissues?

  • i. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
  • ii. Vitamins and minerals
  • iii. Water and fiber
  • iv. All of the above

c) What can an improper diet lead to?

  • i. Improved immune function
  • ii. Decreased risk of chronic diseases
  • iii. Malnutrition and weakened immune function
  • iv. Optimal health and longevity

d) What is the best way to promote optimal health and longevity?

  • i. Eating a diet rich in processed foods
  • ii. Avoiding all forms of exercise
  • iii. Consuming excessive amounts of sugar
  • iv. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins

e) What can regular exercise complement a balanced diet in promoting?

  • i. Weight gain
  • ii. Decreased cardiovascular health
  • iii. Improved mood
  • iv. Increased risk of chronic diseases

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) What are the essential nutrients that a balanced diet provides?
  • ii) What are the potential consequences of an improper diet?
  • iii) What are the benefits of regular exercise in addition to a balanced diet?
  • iv) How does a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins contribute to optimal health?
  • v) What is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle?

C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5

Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
Balanced diet
A condition caused by a lack of essential nutrients.
Diseases that last for a long time.
Chronic diseases
A long life.
Cardiovascular health
The health of the heart and blood vessels.
A diet that provides the body with all the necessary nutrients in appropriate amounts.

15. Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Education is a fundamental right for every individual and serves as the cornerstone of a progressive society. It not only equips people with the skills they need to succeed in life but also fosters critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Education opens the door to opportunities, enabling individuals to pursue careers that align with their passions and talents. Moreover, an educated populace is essential for a nation's economic growth and stability. Through education, people learn the values of tolerance, cooperation, and empathy, which are crucial for creating a harmonious society. Governments, therefore, must invest in education systems to ensure that everyone has access to quality learning resources and institutions.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What is the fundamental right for every individual?

  • i. Healthcare
  • ii. Housing
  • iii. Education
  • iv. Employment

b) What does education equip people with?

  • i. Skills for life success
  • ii. Physical strength
  • iii. Material wealth
  • iv. Political power

c) What does education foster in individuals?

  • i. Indifference
  • ii. Selfishness
  • iii. Critical thinking and problem-solving
  • iv. Laziness

d) What does education enable individuals to pursue?

  • i. Hobbies
  • ii. Careers
  • iii. Retirement
  • iv. Wealth

e) What is essential for a nation's economic growth and stability?

  • i. An uneducated populace
  • ii. A corrupt government
  • iii. An educated populace
  • iv. A strong military

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) Why is education a fundamental right?
  • ii) How does education equip people for success in life?
  • iii) What values does education foster in individuals?
  • iv) How does education contribute to a nation's economic growth and stability?
  • v) What should governments do to ensure everyone has access to quality education?

C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5

Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
Encourages or promotes the development of something.
Peaceful and friendly.
Provides someone with the necessary tools or skills.
Put money into something in order to earn a profit or benefit.
Essential or basic.

16. Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. From smartphones to computers, technological advancements have made information more accessible and tasks more efficient. In education, technology has provided students with new ways to learn, allowing them to access resources from around the world. In the workplace, automation and digital tools have boosted productivity, enabling businesses to thrive. However, the widespread use of technology also brings challenges, such as cybersecurity risks and privacy concerns. It is crucial that people use technology responsibly and develop digital literacy to navigate the complexities of the modern world effectively.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate?

  • i. Art
  • ii. Literature
  • iii. Technology
  • iv. Music

b) What has technology made more accessible?

  • i. Information
  • ii. Food
  • iii. Clothing
  • iv. Transportation

c) How has technology impacted education?

  • i. Made it less accessible
  • ii. Provided new ways to learn
  • iii. Limited students' resources
  • iv. Increased the cost of education

d) What have automation and digital tools boosted in the workplace?

  • i. Efficiency
  • ii. Boredom
  • iii. Laziness
  • iv. Cost

e) What are some challenges associated with the widespread use of technology?

  • i. Cybersecurity risks and privacy concerns
  • ii. Improved communication
  • iii. Increased productivity
  • iv. Decreased cost of living

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) How has technology changed the way we live?
  • ii) What are some benefits of technology in education?
  • iii) How has technology impacted the workplace?
  • iv) What are some challenges associated with the use of technology?
  • v) What is important for people to do to navigate the complexities of the modern world effectively?

C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5

Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
The protection of computer systems and networks from attacks.
Changed completely.
The knowledge and skills needed to use digital technology effectively.
The use of machines to perform tasks.
Digital literacy
Easy to obtain or reach.

17. Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Every society has its own unique cultural heritage, which includes traditions, customs, languages, and historical landmarks. Preserving this heritage is important for maintaining a society's identity and ensuring that future generations understand their roots. Cultural heritage teaches people about their history and values, fostering a sense of belonging and pride. It is the duty of governments, communities, and individuals to protect cultural sites and promote traditional practices, such as festivals, music, and crafts. By doing so, societies can maintain their cultural diversity, which enriches the global community and promotes mutual understanding between different groups.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What does cultural heritage primarily consist of?

  • i. Only historical landmarks
  • ii. Traditions, customs, languages, and historical landmarks
  • iii. Modern technology and infrastructure
  • iv. Scientific achievements

b) Why is it important to preserve cultural heritage?

  • i. To build new cities
  • ii. To maintain a society's identity and connect future generations to their roots
  • iii. To avoid economic decline
  • iv. To create more tourist attractions

c) How does cultural heritage contribute to society?

  • i. By focusing on economic growth
  • ii. By teaching people about their history and values
  • iii. By limiting diversity
  • iv. By promoting industrialization

d) Who is responsible for protecting cultural heritage?

  • i. Only governments
  • ii. Only individuals
  • iii. Governments, communities, and individuals
  • iv. International organizations

e) How does preserving cultural heritage benefit the global community?

  • i. It increases trade between countries
  • ii. It promotes mutual understanding and maintains cultural diversity
  • iii. It prevents migration
  • iv. It fosters competition between nations

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) What are some elements that make up cultural heritage?
  • ii) Why is it important for future generations to understand their cultural heritage?
  • iii) What role do governments and individuals play in preserving cultural heritage?
  • iv) How does cultural heritage foster a sense of belonging?
  • v) What is the impact of preserving cultural heritage on global communities?

C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5

Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
Cultural Heritage
Traditional practices and ways of behaving specific to a culture
Protecting and maintaining something from damage or decay
Traditions, customs, languages, and historical landmarks
The qualities and characteristics that define a society or individual
The state of having a variety of cultures, ideas, or people

18. Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

Time management is an essential skill that helps individuals achieve their goals and maintain a balanced life. By effectively managing time, people can prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and reduce stress. Successful time management involves setting clear goals, breaking down large tasks into smaller ones, and avoiding procrastination. Those who master this skill are more likely to succeed in their studies, careers, and personal lives. Additionally, time management allows individuals to make time for relaxation, hobbies, and relationships, contributing to overall well-being. Learning how to manage time is a key step toward personal and professional success.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

1. What skill helps individuals achieve their goals and maintain a balanced life?

  • i. Time management
  • ii. Problem-solving
  • iii. Communication
  • iv. Creativity

2. What do people need to do to effectively manage time?

  • i. Procrastinate
  • ii. Set vague goals
  • iii. Prioritize tasks and meet deadlines
  • iv. Avoid planning

3. What are those who master time management more likely to succeed in?

  • i. Only their careers
  • ii. Only their studies
  • iii. Only their personal lives
  • iv. Their studies, careers, and personal lives

4. What does time management allow individuals to make time for?

  • i. Only work
  • ii. Only relaxation
  • iii. Only hobbies
  • iv. Relaxation, hobbies, and relationships

5. What is a key step toward personal and professional success?

  • i. Avoiding planning
  • ii. Procrastinating
  • iii. Learning how to manage time
  • iv. Ignoring deadlines

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

  • i) What are the benefits of time management?
  • ii) What are the components of successful time management?
  • iii) How does time management contribute to overall well-being?
  • iv) What are the areas where individuals who master time management are more likely to succeed?
  • v) What is the importance of learning how to manage time?

6. C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5

Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
The state of being calm and free from stress.
The achievement of something desired or planned.
To delay or postpone doing something.
To become very skilled at something.
To arrange things in order