Class Nine English Model Question 1

Annual Summative Assessment-2024
Sample Question
Subject: English
Grade: Nine
Time: 3 hours Marks: 100
Part A: Reading

1. Read the passage carefully and complete the activities that follow:

In today's fast-paced world, digital literacy has become a critical skill for navigating the complexities of modern life. It extends beyond the mere ability to use a computer; digital literacy includes understanding how to access, evaluate, and communicate information via digital platforms. Being digitally literate means being able to protect personal data, spot misinformation, and participate responsibly in the online community. With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, individuals must be vigilant about safeguarding their online presence and ensuring that their digital interactions are safe and ethical.

The benefits of digital literacy also extend to the workplace, where technology plays an integral role in almost every industry. Employees who are proficient in using digital tools are more likely to excel in their roles, contribute to innovation, and enhance productivity. Additionally, digital literacy supports lifelong learning, providing individuals with access to online courses, tutorials, and resources that can help them acquire new skills and stay competitive in an ever-changing job market.

A. Choose the best answer from the alternatives. 1x5=5

a) What does digital literacy primarily involve?

i. Only knowing how to use a computer

ii. Communicating in person

iii. Accessing, evaluating, and communicating information via digital platforms

iv. Writing emails

b) Why is it important to be vigilant online?

i. To increase the speed of the internet

ii. To protect personal data and ensure safe digital interactions

iii. To avoid using social media

iv. To find more information

c) How does digital literacy benefit employees in the workplace?

i. It helps them take more time off work

ii. It enables them to contribute to innovation and enhance productivity

iii. It reduces their responsibilities

iv. It limits their use of digital tools

d) What is one of the benefits of digital literacy outside the workplace?

i. It helps people communicate better face to face

ii. It supports lifelong learning through online resources

iii. It eliminates the need for formal education

iv. It prevents people from accessing social media

e) What role does digital literacy play in modern life?

i. It only helps people in the workplace

ii. It simplifies complex tasks and improves communication

iii. It has no impact on cyber threats

iv. It is not necessary for most people

B. Write answers to the following questions. 2X5=10

i. What does it mean to be digitally literate in today's world?

ii. How can digital literacy help individuals protect their online presence?

iii. In what ways does digital literacy benefit employees in their roles?

iv. How does digital literacy contribute to lifelong learning?

v. Why is digital literacy becoming increasingly important in the modern world?

C. Below is a table with two columns. In the left column are words from the passage, and in the right column are definitions. Match each word with the correct definition by writing the corresponding letter in the space provided. 1X5=5

Column A (Word)
Column B (Definition)
Digital Literacy
Potential dangers posed to a person's or organization's online security
Competent or skilled in doing something
Cyber Threats
The ability to access, evaluate, and communicate information via digital platforms
The ongoing pursuit of knowledge and skills throughout a person's life
Lifelong Learning
False or misleading information spread online

2. Read the following conversation and complete the activity that follows. 5

Abir: I’ve been hearing about human trafficking in Bangladesh. What is it? 

Lily: Human trafficking is when people are illegally traded for exploitation, like forced labor or prostitution. It’s a big problem here. 

Abir: How does it happen? 

Lily: Traffickers lure people with false promises of jobs or a better life, then exploit them. 

Abir: Who is most at risk? 

Lily: People from poor backgrounds, with little education, and marginalized communities, especially women and children. 

Abir: What’s being done to stop it? 

Lily: The government and organizations are working on stricter laws, better enforcement, and raising awareness. There are also shelters and support for victims. 

Abir: Are there still challenges? 

Lily: Yes, corruption, lack of resources, and low awareness make it hard to combat trafficking fully. 

Abir: Thanks for explaining, Lily.

Lily: You’re welcome, 

Abir. It’s important to know about these issues. 


Now, give your opinions whether you agree or disagree with the statement ‘The government and organizations are not doing anything to combat human trafficking.

3. Read the following text on cybercrime. Then complete the activities that follow.

Cybercrime is a growing concern, involving illegal activities conducted online or using computers. Common types include hacking, identity theft, and online fraud. These crimes can cause significant harm to individuals and organizations, leading to financial loss and data breaches. Awareness is crucial to prevent cybercrime. People should use strong passwords, avoid sharing personal information online, and be cautious of suspicious emails and links. The government and organizations in Bangladesh are working to implement robust cyber security measures and educate the public about safe online practices. 
Complete the following table writing effect and preventive measures in respective columns. 2x5=10 
Preventive Measures

Identity Theft

Online Fraud


Malware attacks

Part B: Appreciating Poetry
4. Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. 
The Road Not Taken
By Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

a) Answer the following questions. 2x5=10
i. What is the significance of the two diverging roads in the poem?
ii. How does the poet explore the theme of decision-making in life?
iii. What role does the imagery of the "yellow wood" play in the poem's meaning?
iv. How does the poem reflect on the poet’s perspective on choices and their consequences?
v. How does the poem convey the idea of individualism and its impact on life?
b) Read the poem again, and identify 3 metaphors and 2 instances of imagery used in the poem. Then explain the purpose of their uses. 2x5=10
c) Read the poem again and express your personal reflection on the poem’s message. 10

5. Think of an important historical site in your locality/district/country. Now, write a paragraph on “The Importance of Preserving Historical Sites in Bangladesh.” 10
  • By paying attention to the following features, you can write the paragraph which will be clear, well-organized, and effective in conveying your ideas:
    • Your paragraph should start with the topic sentence.
    • The paragraph should focus on a single idea or theme.
    • The paragraph should flow logically from one idea to the next.
    • Include specific details rather than vague or general statements

    7. Read the text and identify the elements and relevant examples of an Explanatory Text. Then fill up following grid. One is done for you. 2x5=10

    How-To Guides:
    Recycling is a crucial practice that helps conserve natural resources and protect the environment. Recycling involves converting used materials into new products, thereby reducing waste and conserving raw materials like metals and timber. The process begins with the collection of waste, followed by sorting and cleaning to remove contaminants. These materials are then processed into raw materials for manufacturing new products, such as turning used paper into new paper products. This method is significantly more energy-efficient compared to producing items from raw materials. For instance, recycling aluminum saves up to 95% of the energy needed for new production. Recycling programs across many communities help close the loop on material use and reduce environmental impact. By participating in recycling, individuals contribute to sustainability and resource conservation, underscoring the importance of ongoing efforts to enhance recycling systems.
    Elements of an Explanatory Text
    Examples in the Text
    General statement (what is being explained)