Gap Filling with Clues
Class 6 & 7: Gap Filling with Clues
1. Fill in each gap with a word from the box. 0.5x10=5
villagers | fun | help | life | lived |
out | no | tiger | the | angry |
Once there (a) — a cowboy in a village near a deep forest. He used to tell lies to make (b) — . One day the boy cried (c) — , “Tiger! Tiger! Help! Help!” The villagers rushed to help him but found (d) — tiger. The villagers became (e) — and went away. Some days later, the boy made the same fun and the (f) — became deceived again. One day a (g) — really came. The boy cried for (h) — but nobody came. At last the tiger killed all (i) — cows. The boy saved his (j) — running away from the spot.
advice | like | easily | untied | who |
them | break | sticks | that | with |
Once there lived a farmer (a) — had three sons. They always quarreled (b) — each other. Their parents told (c) — to stop but they didn’t listen to their (d) — .One day the farmer told his sons to bring five (e) — and a rope. He made a bundle of the sticks and told his sons to (f) — it. They tried and tried but failed. At last he (g) — the sticks and gave one stick each. Now they could (h) — break the sticks. Then the farmer said, “If you remain united (i) — the sticks, you will be very strong and none can harm you”. After (j) — the sons stopped quarrelling.
fast | when | race | moment | steadily |
peacock | already | won | soon | back |
Once, a hare and a tortoise competed in a (a) —. The (b) — was the judge. The hare ran very fast and went a long way in a (c) —. He looked (d) — but could not see the tortoise. So, he sat to take rest under a tree and (e) — slept off. (f) — he woke up, it was evening. So, he felt worried and began to run (g) —. But when he reached the goal, the tortoise had (h) — crossed the finishing line. The tortoise walked slowly but(i) —. So, he (j) — the race.
4. Fill in each gap with a word from the box. 0.5x10=5
own | as | bite | help | halves |
themselves | part | than | how | bread |
Once two rats found a piece of bread. They could not agree on (a) — to divide the bread because each rat wanted the larger share (b) — the other. At last, they went to Mr. Monkey for (c) —. Mr. Monkey said that they should solve their (d) — problem. But the rats persisted him to divide the (e) —. So, Mr. Monkey broke the bread into two (f) — and put them on his scales. One part became larger and he took a (g) — from that part. Now the other part became larger and he took another bite from that (h) —. Only a little piece was left and now the rats agreed to divide it (i) —. But the monkey said that he would get it (j) — fee for his work.
not | egg | wonderful | market | goose |
her | cry | time | grew | every |
Once a farmer had a (a) — goose. She used to lay a golden egg (b) — day. He sold it in the (c) — and got much money. Little by little he(d) — rich. But the farmer was very greedy and wanted to get all the eggs at a (e) —. So, one day he decided to cut the (f) —. His wife forbade him to do it but he did (g) — listen to her. He grabbed the goose and cut (h) — belly. But alas! There was no (i) — in the belly. He became very worried and began to (j) — in fear.
truthful | search | before | thanked | his |
soon | but | axe | once | into |
One day when a wood cutter was cutting wood his (a) — fell into a river. He made a good (b) — but his efforts were in vain. Finally he burst (c) — tears. Angel appeared (d) — him with a golden axe. (e) — the wood cutter did not accept it. The Angel disappeared and (f) — returned with a silver axe. The wood cutter again said that it was not (g) — axe. The Angel (h) — again dived into the river and came up with the wood-cutter’s axe. The poor man now said that it was his axe and (i) — the Angel. She gave him all the axes for his (j) — nature.
happy | farmer | but | who | that |
treasures | any | golden | last | and |
Once a farmer, (a) — was old and weak, had two sons. They were very strong and healthy (b) — lazy. They didn’t do (c) — work. One day the farmer called his sons to his bed and said (d) — there were hidden treasures in his fields. Saying this, the (e) — died. The sons were very greedy (f) — dug the field again and again. But they found no hidden (g) — . At (h) — they sowed seeds in the fields. After two months they got (i) — crops. Now they became very (j) — and thanked their father.
back | tree | that | empty | caps |
also | distant | many | wearing | his |
Once a cap-seller was going to a (a) — market. On the way, he sat under a big (b) — and slept off. There were (c) — monkeys on the tree. They came down and took the (d) — away. Waking up, the cap-seller was shocked to see his basket (e) — . To his surprise, he saw the monkeys (f) — them. He found (g) — monkeys were imitating him. So, he started throwing (h) — cap down. The monkeys (i) — did so. The cap-seller collected all the caps, put them (j) — in his basket and went away happily.
crane | bone | throat | and | that |
beak | he | got | then | lot |
Once a bone got stuck in a wolf’s (a) —. First (b) — tried to swallow. Then he tried to spit it out but the (c) — won't move. He (d) — afraid. Suddenly he remembered the (e) — and went for help. He promised to give it a (f) — of gifts. The crane took the bone out with its long (g) — . (h) — it demanded the gifts. In reply the wolf said that it was his reward (i) — he had not killed it yet. The crane was very much disappointed (j) — ran way to save its life.
ashamed | but | while | to | that |
loss | trap | wise | very | his |
One day (a) — crossing a field a fox got in a trap. At last he came out of the trap (b) — lost his tail. He was ashamed of his (c) — . But he fox was (d) — clever and wicked. He told the other foxes (e) — the tail looks ugly. So he had cut (f) — tail off. Some foxes agreed (g) — cut their tails off. Then an old and (h) — fox said, “You didn’t cut your tail off. You lost it in a (i) — .” Hearing this, the fox felt (j) — and flew away.
hanging | grapes | there | smoke | everywhere |
sour | any | mouth | get | very |
Once (a) — lived a fox in a village. One day he was (b) — hungry. He searched for food (c) — but did not find any. At last he saw a bunch of grapes (d) — from a grapevine. His (e) — started watering. He wanted to eat the (f) — . So, he jumped and jumped to (g) — them. But all his efforts ended in (h) — . He could not reach (i) — grape. At last, the fox went away saying, “Those grapes are (j) — !”
mouse | many | angry | every | idea |
tie | and | none | reply | freely |
Once there lived (a) — mice in a house. They ate (b) — cut the things in the house. The owner became very (c) — and brought a fat cat. The cat started hunting and killing the mice (d) — day. The mice could not move (e) — now. So they held a meeting to solve the problem but(f) — could give any solution. At last a young (g) — proposed to tie a bell around her neck. All the mice cried out, “Good idea! Good (h) — !” An old mouse slowly stood up and asked, "Can you tell me who will (i) — the bell?" There was no (j) — from anybody.
wish | wealth | him | than | his |
he | and | she | king | fear |
Once there was a king called Midas. (a) — was very greedy. Although he had a lot of (b) — , he wanted more and more. One day, wise god granted his (c) — . The king became very happy (d) — ran to the palace. His little daughter came up to (e) — . He touched her and (f) — turned to gold. The king loved his daughter more (g) — anything. So he began to cry in (h) — . Then the god took pity on him and took (i) — power away. The (j) — became repented. He was no longer greedy.
and | good | her | his | he |
when | him | ailing | she | some |
Bayazid was a (a) — boy. Once (b) — mother was ill. At mid night (c) — woke up and wanted to drink water. Bayazid went to the kitchen to bring (d) — water but found the pitcher empty. Then (e) — went to bring water from the fountain which was far away from his house. (f) — he came back home with water, he found his mother asleep. He didn’t want to disturb his (g) — mother. So he remained standing before (h) — the whole night. In the morning his mother got up (i) — found Bayazid standing beside her. She embraced his son with deep love and prayed to Allah for (j) — .
please | singing | old | but | chorus |
severely | stones | what | happily | pond |
Once there was an (a) — pond in a village. Some frogs lived there (b) —. One day the frogs were singing in (c) —. Some boys were passing by the (d) —. They heard the frogs and began to throw (e) — at the frogs. All the frogs stopped (f) —.(g) — the boys continued to throw stones. As a result, many frogs died and many became (h) — injured. At last, an old frog said, “Oh boys! (i) — stop. Don’t play with our lives. (j) — is play to you is death to us.” Hearing this, the boys stopped throwing stones.
down | opposition | all | great | out |
idea | people | island | in | build |
One there lived a king in an island. There were green trees everywhere (a)___ the island. The king decided to (b)___ a magnificent place in the (c)___. So he ordered his men to cut (d)___ all the trees. Some opposed the (e)___ of the king but (f)___ did not pay heed to their (g)___. So, people were compelled to carry (h)___ the king’s other. They cut down (i)___ the trees. As a result, a (j)___ change took place in the climate of the island.
kinds | lay | do | make | main |
honey | lead | collect | duties | build |
Bees (a) — a systematic life. There are three (b) — of bees; queen, drone and workers. The different kinds of bees have different (c) — to do. The queen (d) — eggs and leads the swarming bees. The male bees fertilize the eggs laid by the queen. The female bees are (e) — workers and they (f) — various functions. They (g) — the hive and honeycombs. They (h) — nectar from flowers and (i) — honey. They store (j) — in the honeycombs.
discrimination | light | remain | deprive | basic |
participation | educate | prosper | brought | removes |
Education is the backbone of a nation, No nation can (a) — without education. Education (b) — our ignorance and gives us (c) — of knowledge. In respect of imparting education there should be no (d) —between man and woman. Education is one of the (e) — human rights. If we (f) — women of the right of education, almost half of our population will (g) — in darkness. No development can be (h) — about in our society without the (i) — of women. The Government of Bangladesh is doing everything to (i) — womenfolk.
biting | because | cold | enhance | migrate |
ecological | stretch | scarcity | country | wondering |
ever | proper | call | who | lost |
time | tomorrow | take | suffer | timely |
Time and tide wait for none. No one can (a) — it back. A man gets back his (b) — money and health but cannot get back his lost time. Time once lost is lost for (c) —. So, we should make the (d) — use of time. We should do our duties (e) —. If we put off our work for (f) —, we may not get an opportunity to do it at all. There are some people (g)— idle away time for nothing. They cannot prosper in life. They have to (h) — for it. So, we should (i) — an oath that we must do our duty properly and in (j) —.
was | hands | on | really | and |
start | to | up | the | be |
A rainy day is had wet day. It generally occurs in the rainy season. Last year I had (a)___ experience of a rainy day. It looked dull (b)___ gloomy. The sun could hardly (c)___ seen on the day. The sky (c)___ over-cast with black clouds. I got (e)___ early. I washed my (f)___ and feet. I was about to (g)___ for school. But all (h)___ a sudden it began (i)___ rain heavily. It was (j)___ impossible for me to school on that day.
Time is very precious. Time which is lost is (a)___ forever . There is a proverb ‘Time and tide wait for none’. It is time which does not (b)___ any relative feelings. It does not (c)___ for anyone. We can (e)___ a long way becoming conscious of value of time. Those who have (f)___ great have made proper (g)___ of time. They never (h)___ off their work for tomorrow. As a result they (i)___ the top position of life. So it is our duty to (j)___ them and we should do our work timely.
Many people do not get enough nutrition from what they eat. Many children become blind because they do not get (a) ———— nutrition. Diarrhoea is a common (b) ————. This is because many (c) ———— do not drink clean water or they (d)————————dirty food. So, they often suffer (e) ———— diarrhoea. The condition in our villages is very (f) ————. The best way to keep in good (g) ———— is to follow the rules of cleanliness. A large (h) ———— of people do not follow the rules of health. It is a great (i) ———— in our country. So, in order to keep in good health all the people must be (j) ———— to the rules of health.
We can keep in good (a) — if we play (b) —. If the bodyis sound, the mind also remains (c) —. We should bear in(d) — that it is a very good rule to (e) — while it is (f) —for reading and (g) — while it is time for playing. Goodchildren do not play all day (h) —. They sit to read (i) —it is time for reading. This is why everybody (j) — them.
Honesty is a great (a) —. It helps a man to (b) — in life. An honest man is respected and (c) — by all. Nobody (d) — a dishonest man. A man may be (e) — by means of dishonesty but that is short lived. A dishonest man (f) — in the long run. So we should (g) — to be honest and (h) — if we (i) — to be respected (j) — honoured.
26. Fill in each gap with a word from the box. 0.5x10=5
A flower is the best (a) — of nature. It is a symbol of (b) — and beauty. It (c) — us pleasure. There is nobody but (d) — a flower, But it is a matter of sorrow that a (e) — does not last long, It (f) — in the morning and (g) — away very soon. Nowadays flowers (h) — cultivated in our country. Many people earn their (i) — by flower cultivation. At present flower exhibitions are (j) — in our country.
inside | into | well | do | climbed |
thirsty | thirsty | jumped |
cobra | killed | cheerfully | fierce | fury |
care | mouth | pet |
A woman had a (a) — mongoose which was very faithful. One day she went to market, leaving her baby in its (b) —. At that time a big (c) — entered the house. The mongoose killed it after a long and (d) — fight. When the woman came back, she saw the mongoose lying at the entrance. She noticed blood-covered (e) —. In her haste she thought that it had (f) — her baby. In a moment of sudden (g) —, she killed it. When she entered the house she was filled with remorse. Her baby was playing (h) — and a big cobra lay dead nearby.
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