CKRUET Admission Questions [English] 2020-21
CKRUET Admission Questions [English] 2020-21
Total Marks: 25x2=50
76. Choose a single word for the clauses, "A remedy for all diseases".
(a) Cure
(b) Sound-health
(c) Full-cure
(d) Disease less
(e) Panacea
77. Transform the sentence, "Buy one mobile and get one free" into complex.
(a) If you buy one mobile, you get another mobile free
(b) If you buy one mobile, you get one free
(c) A mobile free on purchase of one mobile
(d) Buy one mobile to get one free
(e) None
78. Choose the Compound sentence followings. from the
(a) It seemed impossible that he could escape
(b) Only those boys who will work hard will succeed
(c) He not only made a promise but kept it
(d) He kept the promise he had made
(e) Even he is cruel but I like him
79. Choose the correct sentence from the followings.
(a) Flying outside the window, he grabbed the papers
(b) Flying out of the window, he grabbed the papers.
(c) Flying the window, the papers were grabbed him.
(d) Flying out the window, the papers grabbed by him.
(e) Flying out the window, the papers were grabbed by him.
80. Find out the adverb modifier for the underlined part of the sentences below.
(a) He is a wise man.
(b) All the members present in the meeting were against the proposal.
(c) The man is not strong enough to carry the load.
(d) He paid the bus fare.
(e) We enjoyed a football match yesterday.
81. What would be the correct form of conditionals in the blank space to complete the sentence, "If I had known he was in trouble helped".
(a) would
(b) would have
(c) should have
(d) should
(e) have had
82. Choose the correct speech for the following sentence, "He exclaimed with joy that Bangladesh had won the ICC T20 world cup".
(a) He said, "Bangladesh has won the ICC T20 world cup".
(b) He said, "Bangladesh won the ICC T20 world cup".
(c) He said, "How! Bangladesh won the ICC T20 world cup".
(d) He said, "Hurrah! Bangladesh has won the ICC T20 world cup".
(e) He said, "Jeer! Bangladesh has won the ICC T20 world cup".
83. Which one is the synonym of "Latent"
(a) Unexposed
(b) Obvious
(c) Languid
(d) Manifest
(e) Sensible
84. Choose the antonym of the word "Dexterity".
(a) Disappear
(b) Misleading
(c) Agreement
(d) Clumsiness
(e) Consort
Read the following passage carefully and choose the right answers for Q. 85 and Q. 86. A recent investigation by scientists of the US Geological Survey shows that strange animal behavior might help to predict future carthquakes. Investigators found such occurrences in a ten- kilometer radius of the epicenter of a fairly recent quake. Some birds screeched and flew about wildly, dogs yelped and ran around uncontrollably.
Scientists believe that animals can perceive these environmental changes as early as several days before the mishap.
In 1976 after observing animal behavior, the Chinese were able to predict a devastating quake. Although hundreds of thousands of people were killed, the government was able to evacuate millions of other people and thus keep the death toll at a lower level.
85. Why can animals perceive these changes when human can not?
(a) Animals are smarter than human.
(b) Animals have certain instincts that human doesn't possess.
(c) By running around the house, they can feel the vibrations.
(d) Human doesn't know where to look.
(e) An animal has sharper ear than human.
86. Which one of the followings is not true?
(a) Some animals may be able to sense an approaching earthquake.
(b) By observing animal behavior, scientists perhaps can predict earthquakes.
(c) The Chinese have successfully predicted an earthquake and saved many lives the quake.
(d) All birds and dogs in a ten-kilometer radius of the epicenter went wild before the quake.
(e) The Chinese Government was able to evacuate millions of people and thus keep the death toll at a lower level in 1976.
87. Which one is the correct passive form of the sentence, "Please keep off the grass."?
(a) Let the grass be kept off
(b) Let keep off the grass
(c) Do not keep off the grass.
(d) The grass should be kept off
(c) You are requested to keep off the grass
88. Change into indirect speech of the sentence, "Не said to jashim, "Friend, help me".
(a) He request this friend, Jashim please help him.
(b) Addressing Jashim as his friend, he requested him (Jashim) to help him.
(c) He requested Jashim to help him.
(d) He requested his friend to help him.
(c) He prayed Jashim as his friend to help him.
89. Select the appropriate preposition for the blank in the following sentence, "Thy keys fell pool of water". the
(a) in
(b) into
(c) to
(d) on
(e) with
90. Identify the appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces for the following sentence, we had huge international we all were united at our freedom support point of view".
(a) Not only, on the other hand
(b) However, on the other hand
(c) While, above on
(d) Not only, but also
(e) All of above.
91. Choose a correct translation of "সূর্য যেন বিশ্বব্রহ্মাণ্ডের প্রদীপ।"
(a) The sun is the lamp of the universe.
(b) Had the sun been the lamp of the universe.
(c) The sun is, as it were, the lamp of the universe.
(d) The sun would be the lamp of the universe.
(c) As if sun is the lamp of the universe.
92. Translate "You had better not go today" into Bangla.
(a) তুমি আজ না গেলে ভালো হতো।
(b) তুমি আজ নাইবা গেলে।
(c) তুমি আজ না গেলেও পারতে।
(d) তোমার আজ না যাওয়াই ঠিক।
(e) তোমার আজ যাওয়া ভালো নয়।
93. Fill in the gap with the appropriate verb in the following sentence, "Each of the Olympic athletes for months, even years".
(a) were training
(b) has been training
(c) have been training
(d) been training
(e) had been training
94. Identify the correct tag question for "I am late,
(a) aren't I
(b) is it
(c) am not I
(d) am I
(e) am I not
95. Choose the right form of phrase for the underlined part of the sentence, "He sacrificed his life for the sake of his country".
(a) Noun phrase
(b) Prepositional phrase
(c) Adjective phrase
(d) Adverbial phrase
(e) Conjunctional phrase
96. Fill in the blank of the following sentence, "Sakib doesn't mind early".
(a) get up
(b) to get up
(c) getting up
(d) to getting up
(e) geting up
97. Which type of pronoun "Who" is in the sentence, "The boy who came yesterday is my nephew".
(a) Distributive
(b) Interrogative
(c) Relative
(d) Personal
(e) Indefinite
98. What type of adjective the "second" is in the sentence, "Rokeya lives in the second room".
(a) Numeral
(b) Descriptive
(c) Quantitative
(d) Pronominal
(e) Compound
99. "The more you read, the more you learn". Here more is a/an
(a) Adjective
(b) Adverb
(c) Interjection
(d) Preposition
(e) Emphatic pronoun
100. The idiom "Birds eye view" refers to-
(a) View seen by birds
(b) A view of the sky
(c) An interesting idea
(d) A rough idea
(e) An intensive idea