Five Steps of Learning English for University & Medical Admission

This article will give you a thorough knowledge about what you need to do to ensure a top position and guide you thoroughly.

Many students take part in admission tests every year but a few of them pass the tests and get selected for admission. This is because there is no limit of learning for competitive exams where only a small number of candidates are taken and the rest are thrown away. This means if someone does better than you, you will be eliminated from the competition. So, you have to try your best to gear up your skills in English grammar. 

Five Step Preparation

You won’t find yourself prepared for the admission English unless you follow some logical steps continuously and regularly. Here are five steps which will guide you to the way of success:

Step 01: Learn Basic Grammar

A strong base can hold a large building. Similarly, you can be well prepared for your English exams only when you have a good basic knowledge of grammar. To have a good command over basic English, you have to follow these five steps one after one serially. 

Step 02: Follow Admission English Syllabus

A good basic knowledge of English is a good beginning, but only having a good basic knowledge will not ensure you a good score. You have to know which items of English are set as questions in the admission tests and how to answer them off hand. Don’t panic; for the detailed syllabus mentioned above will make you fully prepared without any hesitation. This includes all the grammar items from which most of the questions are set in the admission tests.

Step 03: Practice Previous Exams’ Questions

Having a clear knowledge about the questions of previous admission tests and exams will help you answer the questions in the shortest possible time; for unlike any other academic exams, you have to answer the highest number of questions in the admission tests in the shortest possible time. Moreover, every year more than 30% questions are repeated from the previous years’ questions. So, practicing previous years’ admission questions means ensuring 30% common marks in your purse. You can collect the previous years’ admission questions from admission guides available in the market or collect them free from internet. For your convenience, here is a collection of hundreds of MCQ type tests that include last ten years’ admission questions which you can practice online or print it. These MCQ tests are completely free and self-paced. You only need a premium account and login it. After you take an exam, click on the ‘click here to see the result’ link and see which questions you answered correctly and which need more attention. 

Step 04: Read English Newspapers & Texts

Only learning grammar will not ensure you a good result in the admission tests. You need to form the habit of reading English newspapers and magazines. If you don’t have much time, you can read the Daily Star regularly. While reading, you must notice the structures of the sentences and phrases and learn the meaning of unknown words. This will help you enrich your vocabulary and knowledge of sentence patterns. Other good sources of reading are General English Story Zone of British Council and Story section of Literary Hub. Additionally, if you want to read honours in English, you need to know the history of English literature and memorize the names of the writers of famous books which you will get here in our website. 

Step 05: Take Expert Help

Last but not least, you can take help from expert teachers and mentors who can guide you step by step if you think you cannot take the risk of preparing alone. 

If you follow the five steps we have mentioned above, you will certainly cut a good figure in English. Happy learning!