Level: Beginner

Interrogative Sentence

To change the voice of an interrogative sentence, we can follow two processes-

(i) Interrogative > Assertive > Interrogative Process 


(ii) Structure Process

The goal is same. So, you can go any way you like.

Examples of Interrogative > Assertive > Interrogative Process

In this process, firstly, we change the Interrogative Active into Assertive Active. Secondly, we change the Assertive Active into Assertive Passive. Finally, we make the sentence Interrogative again.

(1) Interrogative Active: Do you want it?

→ Assertive Active: You want it.

→ Assertive Passive: It is wanted by you.

→ Interrogative Passive: Is it wanted by you?

(2) Interrogative: Did she help me?

→ Assertive: She helped me.

→ Passive: I was helped by her.

→ Answer: Was I helped by her? 

(ii) Examples of Structure Process

Interrogative—Present Indefinite 

Structure: Am/ Is/ Are + Object + past aprticiple of the main verb + by + Agent?


Active: Do you like it?
PassiveIs it liked by you?
Active: Does she help us?
PassiveAre we helped by them?

Change the voice.

(a)   Do you like this?

(b)   Does the boy read books? 

(e)   Does she write English?

(d)   Do we need it?

(e)   Does he call you? 

Interrogative—Past Indefinite

Structure: Was/ Were + Object + Past Participle of the Main Verb + by + Agent?


Active: Did they say this?
Passive: Was this said by them?
Active: Did you tell me?
Passive: Was I told by you?

Change the voice.

(a)   Did you like this?

(b)   Did the boy read books?

(c)   Did she write English?

(d)   Did he call you?

(e)   Did you break my glass? 


Structure: Am/ Is/ Are/ Was/ Were + Object + being + Past Participle of the Main Verb

+ by + Agent?


Active: Are you playing cricket?
Passive: Is cricket being played by you?
Active: Was he digging field?
Passive: Was field being dug by him?

Change the voice.

(a)  Is she writing a letter?

(b)  Was it disturbing you?

(c)  Were they doing the sum?

(d)  Are we helping the man?

(e)  Am I getting the money? 


Structure: Have/ Has/ Had + Object + been + Past Participle of the Main Verb

 + by + Agent?


Active: Have you called him?
Passive: Has he been called by you?
Active: Has she done the sum?
Passive: Has the sum been done by her?

Change the voice.

(a)   Have I helped him?

(b)   Has he invited you?

(c)   Has he called us?

(d)   Have they finished the work in time?

(e)   Had we written it? 


Structure: Modal + Object + be +Past Participle of the Main Verb

 + by + Agent?


Active: Can you do the sum?
Passive: Can the sum be done by you?
Active: Will you help me?
Passive: Shall I be helped by you?

Change the voice.

(a)  Will you help me?

(b)  Shall we read the book?

(c)  Would you sell vegetables?

(d)  Can you do the sum?

(e)  Could they solve the problem? 

Interrogative—Yes/No Questions (Mixed)


Active: Are you doing the sum?
Passive: Is the sum being done by you?
Active: Do you help me?
Passive: Am I be helped by you?

Change into passive.

(a)  Shall I ever forget those happy days?

(b)  Do you know them?

(c)  Did the boy catch a bird?

(d)  Does he speak English well?

(e)  Can you help us? 

Interrogative—beginning with Who

Structure: By whom + Auxiliary Verb + Object + V3 ?


Active: Who are doing the work?
Passive: By whom is the work being done?
Active: Who helps me?
Passive: By whom am I helped?

Change the voice.

(a)  Who killed the bird?

(b)  Who has made the cage?

(c)  Who gave you the watch?

(d)  Who has broken the plates?

(e)  Who teaches you English? 

Interrogative—beginning with Whom

Structure: Who + Auxiliary Verb + V3 + by + Subject?


Active: Whom are you calling?
Passive: Who is being called by you?
Active: Whom did he help?
Passive: Who was helped by him?

Change the voice.

(a)  Whom can you recognize?

(b) Whom did you meet?

(c) Whom did you give the book?

(d) Whom should we help?

(e)  Whom are you talking to? 

Interrogative—beginning with What

Structure: What + Auxiliary Verb + V3 + by + Subject?


Active: What are you doing?
Passive: What is being done by you?
Active: What did he eat?
Passive: What was eaten by him?

Change the voice.

(a)  What does he want?

(b)  What are you doing?

(c)  What can you say?

(d)  What did they want?

(e)  What should we learn? 

Interrogative—beginning with Which

Structure: Which  + Auxiliary Verb + V3 + by + Subject?


Active: Which pen do you like?
Passive: Which pen is liked by you?
Active: Which boy pelts the stones?
Passive: By which boy are the stones pelt?

Change the voice.

(a)  Which book does he want?

(b)  Which book do you want?

(c)  Which pen has he bought?

(d)  Which one will you choose?

(e)  Which people did she like? 

Interrogative—beginning with When/ Where/ Why/ How

Structure: When/ Where/Why/ How + Auxiliary Verb + V3 + by + Subject?


Active: When are you doing the sum?
Passive: When is the sum being done by you?
Active: Why do you help me?
Passive: Why am I be helped by you?

Change the voice.

(a)  Where did you find him?

(b)  When will you write the letter?

(c)  Why did he beat the boy?

(d)  When will you return my book?

(e)  Where did you find him? 



Active: Who did you see?
Passive: Who was seen by you?
Active: When did you help me?
Passive: When was I be helped by you?

Change the voice.

(a)  Who stole the pen?

(b)  Who defied the order?

(c)  Who taught you such tricks as these?

(d)  What can you do for me?

(e)  Who has broken the glass? 

 Online Quiz

If you think you have learnt the voice of interrogative sentences well, try the following online self-test and justify your progress. You must login to take the test.

Select the correct answer

Q1. Change into passive: ‘Did he do his task?’
Had his task done by him?
Was his task done by him?
Had his task been done by him?
Was his task being done by him?
Q2. “Who planted this tree here?” The correct passive voice of this sentence is:
By whom was this tree planted here?
Who the tree had been planted hereby?
The tree was planted here by whom?
By whom had the tree been planted here?
Q3. Passive form of the sentence 'What do you want?’ is:
What is wanting by you?
What is wanted by you?
What was wanted by you?
What have wanting by you?
Q4. ‘Who is calling me?’ The best passive form is:
By who I am called?
By whom am I being called?
By whom and being called?
By whom have been called?
Q5. What is he passive form of 'Is the noise not disturbing the old man?"
Is the old man not being disturbed by the noise?
Whether the old man is not being disturbed by the noise?
Do the old man not being disturbed by the noise?
Let the old man not be disturbed by the noise?
Q6. Choose the correct passive form of ‘What did you want?’
What was wanted by you?
What was want by you?
What were wanted at you?
What was wanted you?
Q7. ‘Whom do you want?’-the correct passive form of this sentence will be:
Whom is wanted by you?
Who is wanted by you?
By whom are you wanted?
By whom you are wanted?
Q8. The correct passive form of the sentence “Who opened the door?” is:
By whom let the door was opened?
By whom was the door opened?
Who had the door opened?
By whom the door was opened?
Q9. ‘By whom was this bird killed?’ Make it active.
Who killed this bird?
Who had killed this bird?
Who did kill this bird?
Who has killed this bird?
Q10. Choose the correct passive form of 'Who will do the work?
Who will be done the work?
Who will be done the work?
By whom will the work be done?
Whom will the work be done?
Q11. Change the voice of the sentence. ‘Who is creating this mess?’
Who has been created this mess?
By whom has this mess been created?
By whom this mess is being created?
By whom is this mess being created?
Q12. Passive voice of ‘Who did this?’
By whom was this done?
Who has done this?
By whom this has been done?
Who did this?
Q13. ‘Who killed the bird?’ The passive form of the sentence is-----.
Who was killed by the bird?
Who was killed the bird?
By whom the bird was killed?
By whom was the bird killed?
Q14. 'Do you see the flower? Identify the correct passive form of the above sentence.
Has the flower seen by you?
Is the flower seen by you?
Is the flower was seen by you?
Is the flower being seen by you?
Q15. Identify the correct passive form of the sentence below: ‘Do you know them?’
Would they be known by you?
Are they known with you?
Are they known to you?
Are they known by you?